Fathers Day 2012 - Valiant Men

Mike Connell

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There's a crowd of witnesses in heaven waiting for you to finish your race. Will they see you come in like he did, no matter what's happened I finished my course, or will you quit on the way? Why don't we just close our eyes right now. I just want to ask a couple of questions and you let the Holy Spirit just speak to your heart.

The first thing I want to ask is are you a Christian? Have you given your life to Jesus Christ yet? This is the most important decision because receiving Him into your life imparts to you a nature that makes you a valiant man. The first thing you could do would be to receive Christ today. There may be someone here today and you're separated from God, your life is lived without God, you're lost and have no purpose in life but God would give that to you today through relationship with Jesus Christ. To everyone who received Him, believed on Him, He gave power to become a child of God. If that's you today and you don't know Jesus Christ, would you like to receive Him today? To as many as have received Him, that's every person, I'd love you just to raise your hand and say I want to become a Christian, I want to give my life to Jesus today. I want to become a Christian. You know going to church doesn't make you a Christian, it's a relationship with Him. Would you raise your hand if you're ready to give your life to Christ today? Let me just see your hands.

Is there anyone here today, just let me see you want to give your life to Christ, you want to become a Christian, anyone here today? God bless dear. Anyone else, anyone here today? I wonder today just thinking about this, in your race have you stumbled and injured yourself? Are you using that as an excuse? It may be someone else's fault and that's stumbled you. Maybe someone let you down and that stumbled you. It may be someone you trusted and betrayed you and that stumbled you. It may be that something that you really were looking forward to never happened and that stumbled you, so you fell heavily and injured yourself. I want to know this; have you quit or are you still on your feet, determined to finish your race? If you've quit today you could get up again. You could just make that decision to get up again.

This is what I'd like to do, with all our eyes closed, all our heads are bowed. I'm not even asking you what the issue is, but if you felt the Lord speak to you clearly today you are a valiant man. You need to get back into the race. It's not over yet for you. If you felt God speak that way and perhaps somewhere, somehow you've stumbled and you're not running like you once did, would you like to stand right now, just stand where you are. I'm not going to ask you to come forward. You're standing - it's just an acknowledgement God, I'm standing up, I'm getting back in the race. I can see what's happened, I see what affected me, I'm getting back in the race. God bless, God bless, God bless. Anyone else today? Anyone - God bless, God bless.

Father, I just thank You for people today that have made that commitment afresh to follow You. Father, I pray You'll bless them, heal them, restore them, strengthen them and Lord, they will passionately pursue You. We pray for the power of Your spirit to come on them in Jesus' Mighty name. Everyone said Amen. Turn to someone and say you're a valiant man. You're a valiant man. Have a happy Father's Day today, have a great day today.