Follow Jesus (1 of 6)

Mike Connell

Summary Notes

1. Introduction
· Mk.2:14 “And as He passed by He saw Levi the son of Alphyaeu7s sitting at the receipt of custom and said to him :”Follow Me” … and he arose and followed him”
· Levi was a tax collector employed and used by the Roman oppressors.
· Tax collectors were despised, scorned and hated by Jews, considered traitors.
· Jesus chose Levi : summoned him to follow Him.
· John 15:16 “You did not choose me, I chose you” – He invited himself into our life
· Each of us is chosen by God – His call is to “Follow Jesus”.
· Our call is to attach to a person Jesus and to “Follow Him!” – a personal call.

2. Everyone is following something!
· Everyone follows someone or something – only question is who/what will we follow?

(1) Celebrities – pop, movie, business – Fame is a mask that eats away face
(2) Fashion/values of the world (1 Cor. 7:3 fashion of this world)
(3) Popular leaders in the Christian World (1 Cor.3:3-5 Paul? Apollos?)
(4) Demonic Spirits (Eph.2:1-2)
(5) The Crowd (friends, face-book, social media, web, twitter) (Acts 28:4-6 … they changed their minds)

· Jesus is the true leader – will you follow him?

3. What does it Mean to Follow Jesus?

(a) What it does Not Mean?
Following Jesus does not mean that:
i) You have all the answers
ii) Your life is suddenly all together
iii) Your life will go smoothly without challenges, setbacks, difficulties
iv) You will always see clearly what God is doing
v) You will always have money
It is a journey – constantly moving after the one you said Yes to!
It is not the goal, the reward, the destination – it is the journey itself being with Jesus

(b) What it Means to “Follow”
· Mt 4:19-20 “He said to them Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men, and they straight away left their nets and followed him”.
· “Followed” = NT190= Akoloutheo : ‘az’ union; “Kelenthos” = road
= to be on the same road as a companion
= to enter another person’s world and join them on their journey
= to be caught up with what God is doing and participate

(c) How We Follow Jesus

(i) Share Your Life with Jesus
· Mk.3:14 “He appointed twelve that they might be “with Him”
· “Be With” = intentional sharing of our life allowing the Holy Spirit into every area.
· Not just “me and Jesus” but also connection to His Body the Church.
· Acts 9:4 We cannot separate Jesus from His people, His church.

(ii) Develop Relationship with Jesus
· Jn.15:27 “My sheep hear my voice. I know them and they follow me”
· Following Jesus is closely connected to serving Him and serving people.
· Following means trusting and obeying His words – doing what He says.
· Jn. 14:2 “He who has my commands and keeps them, it is he who loves me”

(iii)Commit to Personal Change/Spiritual Growth
· God desires each of us to become like Christ – to represent him Rom.8:29.
· Spiritual Growth is not accidental it is a journey of intentional change.
· Mt.16:24-27 “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me”
Literally: “If any person resolves or determines in his heart to journey with me he must contradict his selfish nature and surrender to my leadership”.
· Jesus accomplished at the Cross all that is needed to save us. Our response is to apply it to our lives.

(iv) Learn how to Serve
· Jn.12:26”If any man serves me let him follow me ….”
· Following Jesus is closely connected to serving Him and serving people.
· Mt.20:25-28 “Whoever desires to become great among you let him be your servant”
· Jesus rejected the leadership model of the world – position and privilege.
· Jesus modelled and taught serving : great followers are great servers.
· Kingdom Leadership = serving people and meeting needs.

(v) Share His Mission
· Mt.28:18-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations … teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you”
· This is an intentional effort to enter the lives of other people and journey with them to become followers of Christ.

· John 21:20 – Follow Me!