Hearing the Voice of God (3 of 6)

Mike Connell

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How many people, you can identify clearly, what it was, God was speaking to you in the service today, you know God spoke to you about something? Well that's a lot of hands up here; okay then, very, very good. Okay, how many of you know what you're going to do as a result of that? That's fantastic, wonderful, great. Okay, take it away, and remember to do it. How many of you, it was a bit of a struggle; in fact actually, you found a bit of a struggle over it, you felt a bit under pressure, and nothing seemed to come? Just put your hand up if that was you? Some of us will identify, let's just be honest. Okay, there's not so many, okay then. So what I'd like to do over the next season in the church, is at the end of our message each time, just ask the question: what did God impress you with today? What was impressed on you? What were you touched by, in the service today? What impressions did you receive, identify what they are; and then ask the question: what are you going to do about what God was showing you. Then we'll finish up our service.

If God says by His spirit: He says take heed what the Spirit is saying to the churches; it'd be really great for us to be aware what God is saying, articulate it, and then know what we've got to do to respond. Amen. My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me. In other words, believers hear, and can identify what God is saying, then do something to put it into action.