Exercising Authority in your Personal Life (4 of 6)

Mike Connell

Then finally, the last one there is the area of sin habits, where people just get locked into patterns of repeated sin, so it could be anger, it could be unforgiveness or bitterness, it could be hatred, jealousy. People get locked into patterns of sin, and spirits then will enter and energise it, so it becomes quite a problem to get free of. Now here's the deal: you've got authority to break any of those bondages. You can do it. You can minister to others and set them free. You can minister even in your own life to set yourself free, which we'll share in just a moment. So how do you need to deal with these gates? How do we shut the gates down? Now suppose these are gates in your own life; be open to the possibility you may need someone to help you. It's not always just about praying for yourself. Sometimes we need to submit, and just let someone else pray for us - but here it is.

Pray strongly in tongues. The first thing is get energised, let the life of God begin to flow in you like a river. This is a big start. Now listen for the Holy Ghost to show you what you need to be praying for, and then you need to speak words from your spirit, so these are the kinds of things. Now speaking strongly doesn't mean speaking loud. See, I can speak strongly from my spirit because I'm purposefully speaking strong words. I command you in Jesus' name - and speak strongly. It doesn't have to be loud, so people think, and what they do is they substitute speaking from your heart with authority, for speaking loudly. They make a lot of noise, but it's like empty words with no substance in them, so speaking with authority in Jesus' name. So here's some things that you could do that would break the power of holds over your life. One would be just to repent: Lord, forgive me, I just confess to You Lord that I have done this, I have said this, I've acted in this way. Always we need to just confess sin and deal with sin. We've got to get it to the cross.

If there are people have hurt us, or we have unforgiveness, we have to let that go. Unforgiveness locks our life up. It's a doorway for demons, Jesus said in Matthew 18: then renounce, or speak, or cancel any curses. So if I wanted to cancel a curse over my life generationally: Father in heaven, I come to You in Jesus' name, I confess Jesus Christ is my saviour and Lord, I'm redeemed by His blood. I'm redeemed body, soul and spirit. I belong to You. Now that's positioning yourself. I've found in all moving in authority, just get positioned right: Father, I come to You, and I stand before You. Standing before God, and opening the heart, and declaring who we are, is a great way to start. Then well Father, I just confess to You the sin of our family. We have been involved in freemasonry, we've made agreements and covenants with idols and demons, and grieved Your heart. Lord, I renounce this curse, and all agreements made with freemasonry, at every level of freemasonry. I renounce the curses made, my father's side of the family and my mother's side of the family. I cancel them now, and I hold the cross of Christ between my family line and those things. I refuse them today.

Now - in fact, actually in my family line there has been freemasonry. I had to get rid of some of the regalia, and discover some of the effects of freemasonry, emotional difficulties, difficulties in loving women, all kinds of difficulties that were in the freemasonry background, spiritual turmoils, and conflicts, and sickness. So renouncing those things now in Jesus' name, I release forgiveness to every family member who has opened the doorway for these things, now in Jesus' name, I command you to go from my life. So some things I've had to just deliver myself - wasn't that hard, just pray and energise your spirit, go through the step by step process of dealing with the legal right, and commanding the spirit to go. Then just cough and begin to just allow the thing to come out. You'll be quite surprised when you do it, all sorts of things begin to happen. [Laughs] It can start off with a little cough by faith, and end up with a coughing fit. [Laughter] Whoa! What just left? I don't care, just it's gone, that's the main thing, begin to worship God. [Laughs]

So you can deliver yourself. It's not so hard, and I've got a section there, just a little bit on the whole area of self-deliverance. We'll touch that in a moment, so why don't we just stop at that point, and perhaps some of you may want to ask some things just about where we're at on that point. Then we'll go on and just look at two sections in this, the final two sections in this part, which are on recognising spiritual attacks, and just how to deliver yourself. So why don't we just stop for a moment, and some of you may just have a few questions you wanted to ask, either about the last session on spiritual authority, or on this session just related to just some of these gateways and doorways.

Yes, okay? [I was just wondering is it possible to break dedications that were made to evil spirits, like if you're aware that they were maybe dedicated, a parent or someone in the family line was dedicated?] Well we are responsible, can do something for our own life, then those who are after us. We have no rights over our parents and see, we have no rights there. All we can do is pray, and stand against the influence, and pray and rebuke that whole spiritual area, and ask the Holy Ghost to release light into them, so open their eyes to see. So if you have been dedicated, or your children have been dedicated, you have rights there to be able to exercise authority. When it comes to your parents, the relationship is one of parents to child, so you have no authority over their life, except one of influence, so you can speak and command the dis-empowering of generational spirits, but you've also got to pray that God will open their eyes to see. They have to choose for themselves to do that. I think we can stand as an ambassador on behalf, and speak into those things, but let the Holy Spirit help you in that.