House-Cleansing - Ministering to one another (6 of 6)

Mike Connell

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If there was a trauma; Father, in Jesus' name, we come against every spirit associated with traumatic accident or death. We break the power of that cursing on this building, in this room, now in Jesus' name. So speak quite simply to break agreements, break curses, and command the spirits then to go from the house; In Jesus' name, I command each spirit, go now. You'd be quite surprised. We were in one building, and actually the [laughs] team that was with us got freaked out, because they felt this whoosh! Something just flew past them like that, and they got such a shock - woohoo! What was that? You know, but it was something had been there really in the room, they just sent it out - so we have authority to deal with this, you see? The person who's asked you into their house is a Christian, this is their house now. There's no right for demons there, got to get the demons out, and then just invite the Holy Spirit; Holy Spirit, we welcome You to come. We dedicate this room, we dedicate this part of the house completely to You. We invite You to come, and to bring peace, and to bring Your presence as we make You welcome today - very, very simple.

Sometimes we've anointed places with oil where there are real major issues, but only if the Holy Ghost led. You'd be quite surprised then what happens. We have been in some places, and you could feel the whole atmosphere just shift like that. Now I'll give you an example. This is a really good one. I was called to do a funeral, take a funeral. It was a tragic funeral, because a woman had committed suicide, gone into the bathroom, filled up a bath and cut her wrists and died. That's tragic, absolutely tragic, and so I was asked to take the funeral. The funeral was down the road here, just down Orchard Road. It was at the crematorium, and they've got a little chapel there. So we went in there, and I went in there with two musicians from our church to set up a keyboard there, and to just create a bit of atmosphere for worship. As I got in there - now the Holy Ghost must be just on me over this one, and I came in there. As I walked in, the oppression was immense. You could feel heaviness and death, and grief and despair. It was horrific.

I could feel it, and I just walk in there praying in tongues, and suddenly I said: in Jesus' name, every spirit of grief, death and despair, out now! I did it just about that quick. I caught the two others by surprise, and they nearly fell over because they suddenly felt this rush out of the room, and the peace of God just came in like that. It just descended into the place just like that. Now when it came to the funeral, the presence of God was so strong there, that people - now this is a suicide. You'd expect everyone to be overwhelmed with grief, but the presence of God came so strongly, that people just sat there, just enjoying His presence. It was amazing. It was like a total turnaround, and we were able to preach the gospel and share, bring a message of hope, and open the way for people to come to respond to Christ. It was amazing - but that is taking authority over the spiritual atmosphere. There's something there that causes the problem - take authority over it.

So if you're ever in some atmosphere, or some place where it's clear there are spirits there, now it may not be appropriate to do what I just did then. What you can do is just get in a corner, just away from everyone, and when you get in the corner and just out of sight, just out of obvious connection with everyone, just begin to pray in tongues. [Prays in tongues] Now I just speak in the spirit now. I speak to every spirit here. I command you to go now in Jesus' name, just be gone out of this place right now. I assert my authority over you in Jesus' name. I just release Your peace and presence Lord, let Your peace just come into this room right now, begin to fill it, invade it. We invite Your Holy Ghost to come, and bring peace just now - and you can change an atmosphere just like that, if you know your authority. Otherwise you'll look at it, and it'll overwhelm you, and you'll back up, so that's why practicing praying and practicing speaking and practicing in this area, you become more familiar with it, and it becomes nothing for you to just oh, there's something here. Alright, we'll just speak into it now: In Jesus' name, go. I've done that in a number of situations and you feel a change straight away. People don't know what - they haven't got a clue what you did because they weren't seeing, and you didn't make a big noise of it. You just brought the presence of God with you into that place, and isn't that what we're supposed to do, bring the presence of God? Heaven to earth. Isn't that fantastic?