Tefillah, Teshuvah, Tzedakah (1 of 6)

Shane Willard

Page 11 of 12
Moses is like: would somebody get little Johnny out of the water! He gets little Johnny out, and he closes it down, kills the entire Egyptian army. Now how far, do you think that Moses would have credibility for, from then? Doing this - water does this, you walk through, it closes down on the largest army in the world. For how long do you think he should have credibility for? You'd think for the rest of his life, aye?

But how many of you, who have ever been in leadership, know that's just not true? The very people that you think would be there for you, through thick and thin, are the people who will not. Yeah, people are fickle. Three days later, they wanted to kill Moses; like, they were going to kill him. Moses had to retreat up a mountain, to keep them from killing him. Why? Because they got thirsty!

What, did you bring us out here to die? It's just people - so God says: hit the rock. Hit the rock. Remember flannel graphs in Sunday School? Remember how big that rock was, that Moses hit? It was like this big, and this little spout of water came out of it. You're talking about five million people. There would have been mass chaos. Can you imagine that? Line up, single-file, at the water fountain - can you imagine?

Moses hits the rock, and enough water comes out, to water three to five million people. I don't know how much that is, but that is a lot of water; and all of a sudden everybody's attitude changes again! We're singing in the rain - everybody's attitude's changing. Everybody's jumping in the water. Little Johnny's mum's like: little Johnny, don't go the toilet in the water.

The slave girls are jumping in and coming out. Coca Cola's out there with their video cameras. Slave girls are coming up out of the water, and it says: Coke - refreshing! Entrepreneurial people find plastic containers, and they're dipping in the water, walking around you know: selling their water.

This whole thing changed in an instant; then they had to believe God every day for food and water - and Jesus says: don't you know where I came from? I come from a group of people - we were in a desert with no water, five million of us - and God provided mana every day.

I will die up here, before I'll meet my own need, and not trust God for it; because He knew there are three cookies on the other side. It wasn't worth it. He knew that temptation affects three things. It's not just between you and God.

Temptation at least affects three things. Number one, it affects your future. Temptation affects your future; and if you don't care about that, temptation also affects the future of the people you love.

But more importantly, temptation affects your Faith. The temptation of the enemy for us is always to turn stones into bread. It's always to take something that's our truth, and make it God's truth; take your guilt, turn it into bread.

You're forgiven, completely innocent of any sin, but you just feel guilty the rest of your life. That's good - you need to feel guilty. God will like you better if you feel guilty. It's like He's happy with you or something. That anger - I know that the Bible says: don't even associate with one easily angered. But you get angry - and that's just you; people don't understand what you've been through. Turn stones into bread. Rejection, bitterness - it's easy to see this in others. People say: anger, what about righteous anger? Well, the problem with righteous anger is: you always think you're right. We always think we're right!

So it was really easy for me to see this in your life; and it's easy for you to see it in mine; but can we see it in ourself? A mum that can't quit drinking - this isn't just about a mum who can't quit drinking. This is about a broken home, with kids with emotions who are going to be affected. A dad who has affairs - this is broken homes. A person who can't control their anger - this is broken relationships. All of this affects generations.

See a six year old who cannot control their impulse, is a six year old eating a cookie; a 36 year old who can't control their impulse - we've got a real problem.