Are You Worthy (1 of 2)

Shane Willard

Is there anybody that you can think of right now, that you believe you deserve heaven more than them? What if they're not like you? Is there any group of people, that you think you deserve heaven more than them?

See in heaven, no one's worthy, so everybody's there by grace; so if we start comparing who's better, we're just comparing levels of unworthiness, and that's just silly. Is this getting to anybody yet? Are we dealing with something here?

Check this out: but he answered one of them; and said: am I not being fair to you friend? Like, Jesus isn't mad at him; He's like: you're my friend. I don't understand your complaint though. Didn't you agree to work for denarius? It's like, he's confused. He's like: look, I don't understand. You said you'd work for a denarius, and I gave you a denarius, and now you're upset? What's the matter?

And what's the obvious answer? Well you paid them more, and Jesus is like - watch what happens - He says: take your pay and go. I love this - I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. In other words, why are you paying them more than us? Just 'coz I want to. Why are you paying the same as us? We've borne all the work in the head of the day, why are you doing that? I just feel like it.

In other words sometimes God doesn't have to explain Himself. We love for God to explain Himself, but we have to own the fact that sometimes He just won't.

God, why did you give someone with that much character flaw, so much gifting? Oh, I just wanted to. Why are you paying them the same as us? Just felt like it. Watch what He does - and in true rabbinical style, He ends this story with two questions that are so relevant to us:

1) Don't I have the right to do what I want to do with my own money?

2) Or, are you envious because I'm generous?

In other words, Jesus says: I can only see two conclusions here; you have a problem, that I paid someone that you think works less than you. I'm giving them the same wages I'm giving you - and you have a problem with that; and the only possible reason that you have a problem with that, is that you really don't believe I can do what I want to do. If that's not your problem, then you're envious, because I'm generous. Need I remind you, that none of you were worthy to work for me to begin with; so whatever you got was by grace anyhow?

So let's deal with these two questions: 1) Can God do what He likes; or does He have to run it by you first? Could I get an amen, that He could do what He likes at least? [Amen!]

Alright, so your problem isn't that God can't do what He wants - although I think you might have a problem with lots of what Jesus did. I'm convinced no Christian today would have followed Jesus back in His day - He was too radical. I'll give you a couple of examples, like there was this one time, where there's this prostitute, and Jesus is speaking to her - problem one.

Jesus is talking to this prostitute, and this prostitute is so moved by the compassion of Jesus, that she kneels down and washes His feet with her hair. Remember the story? And what does Jesus say to her? You're sins are forgiven! Is Jesus allowed to do that? She didn't pray the prayer. She didn't ask Jesus in her heart. She didn't believe in her heart and confess with her mouth - and Jesus forgives her sin. Is He allowed?

What if you had been there, and He asked your advice, what would you have said? What if He'd have turned to you, and this lady's washing His feet, and He would have said: man, what do you reckon I do with her? I don't know Jesus, what do you reckon? I think I'm going to forgive all of her sins. Would you have said: well Jesus, it's your world, do what you like; or would you be the person giving Jesus all the scriptures as to why He can't forgive her without a sacrifice, or a sinner's prayer, or something else?

Because if you're number two - you're annoying, right? Can Jesus not do what He likes? Is He allowed to forgive someone's sin, because she washed His feet with her hair? Is He allowed - because He did. Or is He a heretic?