Are You a Comforter (3 of 3)

Mike Connell

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Are you full of the Holy Ghost? What's stopping you?

Are you full of faith? What's blocking it?

Are you generous? What's hindering you?

Do you include people, or do you exclude them?

Do you not worry about what people think, but you go to people anyway, and find a way to connect them?

Are you a person who can see past people's failures, and believe the best and pull them up to function?

You are a Son of Encouragement!

Father, I just pray that that ministry of encouragement would flow through every believer here today, in Jesus' mighty name, in Jesus' mighty name. Why don't you determine in your heart, that this week, you're going to start to become an encourager of people? That is your ministry - it's the ministry of every believer, to be an encourager and builder of people. Let's do it.

Let's do it together, let's look for the opportunities. Like Jonathan did, he went to David, connected with him in his difficulty and pain, spoke the word, and lifted his faith, and then stood with him while he recovered. This is the work of the comforter. This is what comfort looks like, and it's something we can all do.

Amen, why don't you pray for the person next to you and bless them. If you don't feel comfortable praying that's fine, let someone pray for you.