Freedom from the Occult (2 of 3)

Mike Connell

The dilemma you have in getting into meditation is that you would open yourself up to the demonic realm. Biblical meditation is very proactive - it pictures the word of God; it imagines the word of God; it sees the reality of the word of God - so it’s focused on some thing. Other kinds of Eastern meditation involve emptying of your life - and that opens the door then, for something else to come in. So I don’t consider that to be a good thing to do. The exercises in yoga - each yoga position are representative of the worship of some god. I always think that the root of something always indicates where it has come from. Some people do some exercises – tai chi and yoga exercises, and they seem to benefit from these things; but the roots and origins lie deeply in the worship of false gods.

So the question is: how close to the edge can you get before you fall off? I think that’s something you have to ask the Holy Spirit about.

What I would suggest, is that you do these sorts of things: that you walk, because walking is good for you; or you swim, because swimming is good for your body. I would encourage you to take time to pray in tongues, and begin to develop the energy and life within the spirit. The Bible says: the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is within us. It just needs releasing, and the path of releasing is by opening our heart, and our inner man, to allow God to move in us.

What I do, that really is helpful, is that I walk everyday; I pray in tongues; and I pray intentionally to rouse my spirit man. While I’m praying in tongues, I meditate that God is near me; that I am joined to Him; and I spend that time praying and worshipping Him, intentionally allowing His life to flow up and through me.

When I’m here, I do it around the hotel and my floor - I tend to do it really early, so I avoid meeting people. Otherwise, I’m the foreigner who’s crazy. I kind of sing it too, and they think “Oh, he’s the happy, crazy foreigner” I have found that my energy and flow of life has improved through physical exercise; through praying in tongues, and worshipping; and through meditating on God’s presence with me.

As I made it a habit, I have become greatly energised because of this. So, blocks in energy flow through you, tend to be in the soul area, or in the heart area. If we consciously yield those parts of our life to the Lord, and allow His life to flow in us - I would expect significant increase in energy. So, I have a lot of energy - it’s surprising when you consider my age. I can minister for hours, and pray for lots of people - but I need to have my time with God.

I need to be meditating in His presence, filling me up on the inside. I need to constantly be returning to the source, and the basics of building your life with God. In Isaiah 40, it says: “Those who wait on the Lord will exchange their strength.” I believe that the life we live is an exchanged life. It’s not me trying to make something happen - it’s actually letting go of that, and beginning to realise and become aware that: Christ is in me; that the power is already in me! Meditation helps train your heart to believe that, and that’s what begins to energise you. I felt strong praying in tongues, exercising, and meditating have been powerful keys to shift my energy level.

I think you also need to eat properly and rest properly. Sometimes, low energy levels can be: imbalance in your body; or something going on in your soul. For example, anxiety will greatly strip away your energy. Fear will greatly strip away your energy. The systems of our body are so designed to work with the heart that’s in harmony with God. So when our heart is flowing with God, other parts of the body come into alignment as well. I hope that helps.


This person had an encounter with a Malaysian girl, who studies overseas here in Taiwan. The girl was with them late at night, and all of a sudden she started to manifest. She changed her actions, and everything - girl to a boy. Later on, she shared with them she had very severe depression, but she stopped the medicine by herself without consulting the doctor. The person wants to ask: how can we distinguish whether it’s a medical situation. or spiritual situation?

Very good question - I think you always need to be open to the possibility that people’s problems are physical and not spiritual; or it’s a mixture of these things because everything’s interconnected. Now, we give advice on spiritual matters - we’re not doctors, we’re not trained in medicine, so we should not make decision about these things where we have no expertise. So I think that if there is an issue where it’s possibly an issue of medication needed, or even in many situations - encourage the person to get a medical check. Sometimes a medical check will pick up physical problems in the body, and they need to get the balance back, they need to change their diet, or something to set them right.