Our Legacy in Christ (4 of 4)

Mike Connell

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If you're lonely, rejected, depressed, struggling with all kinds of things, then you're living out of the old man that Jesus said: He crucified it, He buried it. There is a new man, and there's glory inside you. Why live like you're not saved! That's what He's saying.

1 Corinthians 2:11-13 says: “you have been given, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit of God.

You're given the Spirit of God. Why does He give it to you? So He can explain to you, everything God has made available to give to you.

You say: well I don't feel like God's got much for me. It's because you're living out of the bondages of your old life, and you're not living out of the new man in Christ. You actually need a renovation in the mind; and in the heart, a change - and that's what we want to do. If you don't shift in your heart beliefs, then you can't realise it; you just hear it, get excited, and then walk away.

So why is it we have so little? Why is it, if God has given so much, most believers have so very little? There's a number of reasons, I won't develop them, but let me just throw some out for you.

1) Despising our inheritance. Esau despised it. He just sold out, because he despised the gift of God, and just did stuff that made him feel good at the time. Now isn't that a lot of Christians? Despising the Holy Ghost. It's about a person, and having right attitudes to Him. You know when we speak evil of others, we grieve Him. That's definitely not respecting Him, and definitely doesn't help us get filled.

2) We don't see it. We actually live out of a wrong perspective. We live thinking we're still unsaved, and we've got hang-ups. You say: well the reality of them is there. Yeah, but there's another reality there too; that is Christ is in you. The treasures of Christ are in you. You've got the bank full of money, and yet you're standing there saying: I'm broke. The treasure house is full, but you're saying I've got nothing.

You've got to actually see what God says about you - that you're a new creation! That the DNA of God is in you! God's life is in you. I've got to confess and declare that! I want to hold in my vision who I am in Him now, I've changed. I'm a new person.

So one issue is our perspective, we just don't see it, and so the Holy Ghost work is to help reveal it, but you've got to choose to shift your perspective.

3) We've got mindsets. We think out of old ways, so if someone comes and they hurt you, immediately - there's a stronghold in your life erupts, demons start to operate, feelings start to come, and thoughts start to come. You're in a place of deep rejection, deep depression.

The truth is: I'm accepted in Christ! People can accept me, or reject me, but I'm accepted by God! I am accepted in the Beloved! But oh, I feel so depressed. They're so nasty to me, they hurt me. Well, don't live agreeing with that. Resolve it! Deal with the issues of the heart, the strongholds, belief systems that stop you accessing what God says.

If it's a choice between what God says, and what you're feeling - choose what God says, and ask the question: how do I move from where I am, to what God says? How do I bring my experience up to what God says, instead of: ‘God can't be true’ or ‘the word can't be true’ because this is not what I'm experiencing.

This is what the life of faith - this is why it's something to possess. The life of God is in you, but you must make a decision: I will learn how to draw and live from that life. Jesus said: “I'm the vine, you're the branches. If My words abide in you, then you will ask what you will.” In other words, there's this issue of drawing on the life within.