Having a Full Lamp

Mike Connell

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So go and buy it for yourself! So then finally it says: while they went to buy it the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with them to the wedding, and then the door was shut; and so you see, the bridegroom came. Those that were ready - there is a time coming Jesus will come. It's absolutely certain. Who knows when - but those who are ready, those who were prepared immediately arose, and were able to enter in. What did they enter into? They entered into intimacy. They entered into an experience with God. They entered into the third heaven. They entered into a new realm with God. They entered into a totally different dimension, that you have to qualify yourself for, by intimacy with the Holy Ghost.

What about the five who were foolish? The five who were foolish went away. By the time they'd done what they needed to do to prepare and came back, He said: the door is shut. That means that opportunity has ceased. Now I can't even begin to imagine what that must mean, but for 2000 years there's been a door of opportunity open for people. I would hate to come and find the door shut, because at the coming of the Lord I was not passionate, zealous and on fire for Him! Of all the things that would grieve and break my heart, it would be that. I could suffer the loss of everything, but not that. That is your destiny. See, we talk about destiny, and people think of it in terms of: well I'll do a business, or I'll do this, or I'll do that. Listen, our destiny is far bigger than that. You are called to an eternal destiny, of which your time on this earth is just your preparation and apprenticeship. The only reason people don't prepare, is they don't know what's at stake. I urge you to read, and find out what's at stake.

Can you imagine, since they came and they knocked, and He said: I didn't know you - now notice this; it doesn't say they weren't Christians. It doesn't say they were evil. It doesn't say they were bad people. It just said: I don't know you; or in other words: I have no intimacy with you. You're a Sunday Christian. I have no intimacy with you. Day by day, there's no connection and fellowship, and sharing your heart and your pain and your struggles in your life. There's no opening your life to the anointing of the Holy Spirit; when I speak, you don't hear. You actually just run your life just like everyone else in the world, but with this think that somehow you'll go to heaven. He said: actually I don't really know that. That's not what I came to do. I came to talk about a coming kingdom, and your part in it. I came to offer you a kingdom, and a place in it, but you took it so lightly.

I'll share with you another parable shortly, and you'll see all three aspects in the one parable: of Jesus being the groom; the King; and the judge; and you'll see what is required for us. So one thing that's required in this parable here, Jesus applies it very simply, He says: watch. Watch - and watching's always connected with prayer - watching has to do with staying spiritually vibrant and alive, and connected with what the Holy Spirit is saying. Watch and pray. How do I watch and pray? I've got to build a devotional life, and be connected, not just with the Holy Spirit, but with His body and with His people, and let the life of God grow in me. Prayer, meditating in the word, praying the word of God, repenting when little things come up, keeping a clear conscience before the Lord - it's not rocket science. It's what's called basics, keeping your relationship alive.