Overview of Eternal Rewards - Part 1 (3 of 12)

Mike Connell

The Book of Revelation says that we must overcome the works of Jezebel; and right now, in this current season there's been an increasing emphasis on the activity of the spirit of Jezebel - that controlling power. We have to learn how to overcome that in our personal life, and whatever we're doing. So there's all these things we need to overcome: spiritual apathy, indifference, and complacency. There are huge and immense promises made for us. These promises are eternal; eternal intimacy, pleasure being in His presence, joy forevermore. Can you imagine being in His presence - everything fades away. Think of even the meetings we've had, where you've felt overwhelmed by the presence of God.

Everything that worried your life fell away, as you enjoyed His presence, and wept when you felt His love. Now imagine multiplying that 100, 1000, 2000, 10,000 - multiply that. It will be worth it! That's why He talks about the pleasures of sin for a season. Sin is enjoyable. You know, you enjoy it; but it's only for a season. It says for Moses: he turned away from the pleasures of sin for a season, because he had respect for the reward. So Moses got a revelation of this reward - that's why he gave up Egypt! It tells us in the Book of Hebrews 11: "he forsook Egypt by faith, and choosing to endure affliction with the people of God, rather than the pleasures of sin for a season - for he had respect for the recompense of the reward". See, there it is, right there! Moses understood: there is a big reward, for me giving up.

Imagine what he's actually giving up! He's giving up: sitting in a throne next to Pharaoh; ruling over a nation; wealth; everything at his disposal. He's in charge of armies! He's got everything you could imagine - and he gave it all up, because he saw what God was offering. For a season, or eternal - that's what the choice is; seasonal, or eternal. When you fix your eyes on the eternal, it motivates you to overcome, no matter what anyone else is doing. I will be faithful. I will develop intimacy. I will hold my ground. I will overcome the challenges of life, because I have respect for the reward that God has, the reward of eternal intimacy, the reward of eternal authority! Well bless you - there's the study.