Garments of Glory & Beauty (5 of 12)

Mike Connell

1 Corinthians 12:7 – “Now the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man for the blessing or benefit of others”.

All of us come into the presence of God; we worship, we praise, we build intimacy, we listen to Him, we surrender to Him, and He works in our life. We pray for people, and we come out of the presence of God, we're called to bless people. To bless people… you can bless people by serving them, giving to them, and ministering the gifts of the spirit to them. Priests bless people. We're not called to curse people, even if they are unkind; we're called to bless people. So that's a whole area you could study - the priesthood, and what's involved in the priesthood. I want to just put out this: we're called to be priests to God.

Revelations 20:6 – “The overcomers in the first resurrection will be priests and kings to our God, and will rule on earth”.

That's why I want to look at the priestly garments, because it's part of who we are, and it's part of what we'll become. The second reason is that the priestly garments in the Old Testament give an insight to how important garments are to God. As you start to read in the Old Testament, bear two things in mind: that there's prophetic pictures inside here, that refer primarily to Jesus; and secondarily, to me. You've got to look at it through that filter, that lens; and therefore, as you look at the things, you look at the natural and how they're put together and their function, and then you begin to consider what that means for me. That's how you get revelation on these things.

Exodus 28:1-3 – “Now take Aaron, your brother, and his sons with him, from among the children of Israel, that he may minister to Me as a priest”.

The first insight then: they're chosen. Second insight: they minister to God. So that first role of a priest - to minister to God.

“Aaron and Aaron's sons, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar”. And it says: “…and you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for glory and for beauty”.

There it is: ‘garments for glory and beauty’ refer to the high priest's garments, and He said: “You will speak to all the gifted artisans”. You need gifted people to do this. This is not just wrap together some garments – “…whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make Aaron's garments, to consecrate him, that he may minister to Me as a priest”.

What are the purposes of the priest's garments? Here's the three purposes…

Firstly, they're garments of glory and beauty. God designed them to: show His glory, and reflect His beauty. These are garments of great glory and beauty. When people look at them, they'll be stunned. Glory means splendour, or honour, or majesty. Beauty means glory, highly attractive - like an attribute of God. The purpose of those things is that the person wearing the garment was clothed with glory and beauty.

Secondly, the garments were used to consecrate, or set someone apart for a special purpose. They were used for the consecration of the priests. He said: “you'll make Aaron's garments to consecrate him”, so the second reason we see then of the garments, is to set him apart. When you see him in the garments… whoa! That's the priest – he’s got the special job. Thirdly, He said: “…consecrate him, that he may minister to Me as a priest”. So those garments are to minister personally to God, to enter His presence, engage with Him face to face. I want you to keep those three things in mind: 1) that the garments are full of glory and beauty; 2) they are an evidence that the person is set apart for a particular service to God; and 3) they are given the honour of having access personally into the Holiest of Holies, where the glory of God dwelt, to engage with Him face to face.

The next thing then about those garments (after those three things), is they reflect, or they are a prophetic picture, of Christ. The Bible says: “He is our high priest, after the order of Melchizedek”. He is our high priest, so these reflect then His resurrection glory and beauty. His consecration, even now, to be a priest unto God; to act as an intercessor on our behalf; and to live in the throne room, in the presence of God. After Jesus rose from the dead, He had a glorious resurrection body, He had garments of glory and beauty. They indicated He was ‘set apart’. Notice that Mary couldn't touch them, because He was consecrated, set apart; and He now was to enter the presence of God, in the very throne room of God, face to face. In order to do that, He required these resurrection bodies, resurrection garments.