You can understand then, the distress of finding that you're living, and there's turmoil in the world. The world's in upheaval, there's been problems such as we've never seen before; and in the midst of it all, suddenly, someone you know, has put on a resurrection body - and at that point you know you missed.
They will never get older - they will always look around about 30-ish. They will always look magnificent. They'll be able to change their form, they'll be able to come in and out of rooms and places. They'll be able to travel around, wherever they want to go. They will move in and out of the heavenly realm, and will be on assignment from the Lord, to reveal what God is like.
With that happening, that releases the latter reign into the earth. It releases the outpouring of the spirit, to bring about transformation of life. That's when we see multitudes and multitudes coming to Christ; this is so real, so powerful, the TVs will show it. It will be like the astonishment of the world, to see people who've overcome death… and it can never happen to them. Who can possibly argue with this? There is no argument. They can't be killed - nothing can be done.
There are pictures spread through the Bible of God's eternal purpose, but you've got to look for it to see it; and even the work that they will do is spread through the Bible in different stories, so you've got to look for it. This is the story, this is what happened, and what it meant in that time. Here's how it works for me, and how it applies to me; and this is how it reveals Jesus, and how it speaks prophetically.
There are different layers - you look at the story…
1) What happened at the time, and how it impacted the people and how they saw it.
2) What it prophetically reveals about Jesus,
3) How it can apply to my life
4) And sometimes… has this got any prophetic implications?
When you see this, it just brings a tremendous joy. You cannot stop studying the word, you want to re-read the word. You want to find out the stories, you want to know all the things that are going on - but first you've got to get the knowledge of the word. Then you've got to look how the things interconnect and if you - and now what you're seeing is like a massive jigsaw puzzle, with pieces everywhere, and some of them are hidden; but as we get nearer the end time, God will reveal more of the pieces, and suddenly… oh my God, how did I miss that? That's so evident!
It's all about the unfolding of His plan that's been there since eternity - that He will have a kingdom of overcoming sons, who will extend His kingdom through all the earth.
I encourage you to think about that…
How did the Holy Spirit speak to me?
What sorts of response do I need to make?
Are there any areas of my life where I'm not qualifying, and I know it and I need to make an adjustment?