The Truth about Tattoos

Mike Connell

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As I said, that was a cover up. I was actually a Christian when I got that. I'd only been a Christian for a few months and my wife turned around and said to me: we can't have you walking around with a dope leaf on your arm, and so we got that covered up.

This one's all about the Chinese year sign. I was under the year sign of the rat; so as I said - it's funny what you get yourself tied up to.

I've got a raven, because I was really into death at one stage, which is really not a good place to go I tell you. And you get tied to them. Because I had a tattoo of death, I was actually tied to death...

[Mike Connell] The spirit of death.

[Tim Cashmore] ...and I'm really, really glad that I'm free of that one because man, it's not a nice one.

My nickname when I was a druggy was Mutant. People are like: what! Well, I used to get so wasted, I couldn't even stand. People would look at me, and I'd go: aaahhh; because I was just away in the fairies, away in the thing.

Once again, this was the demon that I saw when I was stoned; and I actually got this guy called Ugg - I know, nice name - who was a punk from Auckland, and I was describing what I saw, and he actually tattooed what I saw. So the spirit realm is definitely true, and it's definitely real.

[Mike Connell] Wow, isn't that an interesting testimony? Come on, let's give Tim a clap and let's give the Lord a clap, thank Him for what He's done.[Applause] There's a lot of stuff people don't tell you isn't there?