The Blood of Jesus (2 of 4)

Mike Connell

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Now you notice it's not just an, all down on your knees, feeling sorry for yourself? It's actually about declaring God, you're right, I'm wrong. God, you're provision and I apply it - both parts. You have to do it. You have to do it. That's how you get out. Now a lot of people mumble. Hello! Speak up! I didn't hear I'm guilty sound yet! [Laughter] You'd be surprised how hard it is to get 'I'm guilty' to come out of anyone. Do you know why that is? Because of inequity. We think somehow the rules don't apply to us. We're special. My mummy said I was special. [Laughter] Pastor told me I'm special to Jesus. Aah, but sin also has to be brought out in the open specifically. Got to bring it out specifically. I was wrong! I sinned! What I did was sin! I sinned against you Lord, when I did these - when I spoke those words in anger. Lord, your judgement is upon what I've done. I bring it to the cross, and to the blood, and you have said if I confess my sins, oh glory to God, I will be forgiven! Now what does that mean? It means whatever happens in the courts of heaven, there's a cancelling of the consequences of my sin. And I will be cleansed inside of the impact of this thing in my life, the inequity, the perversion that goes on inside, the twistedness in the heart.

Now here's the thing. We have to speak! I hear people come to church and they mumble, mumble in praise, mumble in prayer. They come up and you lead them in a confession, they mumble most times when I do deliverance things. I've got to stop them and tell them to speak up, because this is an important issue to deal with. You don't want mumbling around it. Be specific, be vocal, be clear. Bible's very, very clear, and so here's the thing you need to realise, that the spirit world is watching every word you say, everything you do. The spirit world watches.

What makes you think you can get away with anything, when there's someone watching all the time? Well I'm not watching all the time, so you think I can get away with the Pastor anyway, he won't notice. Says he's listening to God and then he notices. Oh, how did you know that? [Laughter] But the spirit world is watching, so there are a number of people watching you. Number one is watching. Number one who is watching, is the devil. He's watching every word you say, every move you make. Why? Because he wants to go before God and say listen, did you hear what that blighter said? Hear what he said? Hear what he did? I demand the right to afflict him!

God says well, not much we can do about it. He just mumbled. [Laughter] There's too much pride. Wouldn't even admit that he'd made a failure, sin - so the devil is watching all the time. The bible says in Zechariah 3, Verse 1; Joshua with the High Priest, he had a vision - Joshua with the High Priest, standing before God, standing in the courts of heaven before the presence of God, and Satan right there to accuse him. So there is a courtroom where there is a legal process goes on. It's to do with the laws that govern the realm of the spirit, and the realm of earth, and in that courtroom there's a whole number of people present; number one is the devil, and he's there and he's ready to get on your tail straight away and you know what? The Bible says, Revelations 12:10, he's not going to stop accusing you. He's a vicious prosecutor. If you've ever been to court - probably the person next you has - I hate going to court. I've been there a few times - very embarrassed, very humiliated to stand. In those days you used to have to go to court for a traffic fine - it was a shocker. They've got rid of - I'm glad those days are gone now, just pay the fine and get over it, you know? [Laughter] But you go there and you have to stand in a dock. Oh, it's a miserable place to be and there's a bench, oh-ho there's a bench, and there's someone who's a judge - horrible. The whole thing's horrible and humiliating and frightening, so you go there, and there over on one side, there's a man in a uniform. He's a prosecutor, and he's got a list of charges. There they are, and they're all itemised, and do you know something? The devil has a list of everything you've done, everything you've said, every mistake, every transgression, every inequity - he's got the whole list! It's a big list! You should be ready to forgive others - your list is too long. You can't afford to be showing no mercy to others, see?