The Blood of Jesus (3 of 4)

Mike Connell

Summary Notes

1. Introduction
Eph.1:7 “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace”.
God has put in place both physical and spiritual laws.
God has established that sin has consequences – death (physical, spiritual and mentally).
God has established the only remedy for sin – the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the Cross.
Heb.9:11-14 “But Christ – by His own blood – obtained eternal redemption for us…”
Redemption =3083= to ransom in full, totally pay the price to release captives.

2. The Redemption of Jesus for us is Complete

(a) The Old Testament Pattern
Lev.16:7-21 The sin offering
(v7) Two goats = one offering for the sins of the congregation.
(v15) One goat slain – blood sprinkled on and before the mercy seat 7 times.
(v21) Second goat – confess all the iniquities, sins and transgressions – never seen again.
Two goats represent one offering = the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Sin = unintentional wrongdoing, action committed in ignorance.
Transgression = intentional wrong, action committed with full knowledge.
Iniquity = inner twistedness which causes a person to commit sin.
Note: (i) Jesus is our High Priest
(Heb 3:1 Jesus the High Priest of our confession)
(ii) Jesus is our offering
(Jn.1:29 Behold the lamb of God which …)
(iii) Jesus is our mercy seat
(Rom.3:23-25 God set faith as a mercy seat)
All of this is a prophetic picture of the work of Jesus on the Cross redeeming us.

(b) His Redemption is Complete
Lev.16:14-15 “… shall sprinkle some of the blood seven times”.
7 = number of spiritual perfection; complete e.g. Forgive 70 x 7 Mt. 18.
The blood was sprinkled 7 times.
Jesus shed His blood so we could be forgiven, cleansed, enter the presence of God and walk in blessing of covenant relationship in every area of our life.
Jesus also shed His blood in seven separate ways to redeem us.
Is.53:4-6 “Surely he has born our grief’s and carried our sorrows …”
Each way Jesus shed His blood purchased for us forgiveness, cleansing and freedom from all cursing in that aspect of our life.
Gal.3:13-14 “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law – that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Jesus Christ”.

3. Seven Ways Jesus Shed His Blood
Can you identify different ways that Jesus shed his blood for us?

(i) Hands = the works that we do.
Gen.2:6 Eve took of the fruit and ate (with hand) – Adam took the fruit.
Gen.4:11 Cain slew his brother with his hand.
Cain’s hands were cursed by committing murder.
Your hands – what you do are connected to your heart (Jam.4:8).
The spikes did not enter hands but entered without severing median nerve – hand become black.
Weight on hands opened the wound – blood shed.
Hands can now become a source of blessing when cleansed by the blood of Jesus.

(ii) Feet = walk, the decisions that we make.
The steps of your feet determine the direction of your life, your way, path in life.
Is.53:6 We have turned, everyone to his own way – Do own thing.
Many times we follow generational patterns or ways, wrong paths of parents.
Nailed between 2-3 metatarsal bones – nerve centre of foot – body in shoe.
Blood shed for wrong decisions – forgive, cleanse so make a godly decision.

(iii) Back = strongest part of the body, also defenceless.
Pilate had Jesus scourged with a whip containing pieces of bone and metal.
It not only lashed but also cut, tore, ripped and shredded.
Jesus limited it to 39 times – Romans did not limit the lashing.
Is. 53:5 and by his stripes we are healed.
Infirmity = without strength. Jesus shed his blood to break the curse of sickness.
Blood cleanses sins done against body = e.g. drugs, alcohol, diet, abuse, sexual sin, tattoos, piercing
Blood shed so we could walk in health, wholeness, (Ps 105:37).

(iv) Head = mind, governs direction of life.
Gen.3:17-18 Ground cursed – thorns and thistles bring forth – sweat.
Adam was given dominion over the earth – it became cursed when he betrayed his loyalty to God as King and lost his dominion.
Thorns = frustrations, difficulties, setbacks in life.
Mt.27:27-30 “They plaited a crown of thorns and put it on his head – bowed .. mocked him”.
Placing something before God is idolatry.
Jesus shed His blood to cleanse us from all idolatry so we could be restored to the place of dominion, crowned with glory of God and be free from striving and serving idols.

(v) Side = heart, the motivation of life.
Transgression = wilful action, not a deception but intentional sin.
Eve was deceived but Adam’s sin was intentional – he knew what he was doing.
Adam gave away his rights to rule the earth and opened the door to sin.
Jn. 19:34 The soldiers pierced his side and forthwith came out blood and water. The spear pierced Jesus side - pleura = membrane that lines the chest cavity and covers things.
The spear pierced Jesus heart.
The last place Jesus bled address the first transgression ever committed – Adam.
The blood of Jesus cleanses every wilful sinful action and restores us to relationship.

(vi) Brow = mind, fears, anxiety, sorrows.
Lk.22:44 Being in agony he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling to the ground.
The first way Jesus shed His blood – in the garden of Gethsemane in prayer.
Mt.26:37 He began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed.
He was agonising over doing the will of God – prevailing over fear, grief’s, sorrows.
His sweat was = became great drops of blood.
Hematidrosis = medical term – mental stress and emotional trauma.
= blood oozes out of capillaries of skin instead of perspiration.
Is 53:4 surely he has borne our grief’s and carried our sorrows.
The blood of Jesus breaks the power of fear, sorrow, anxiety so we can be at rest.

(vii) Bruised = internal bleeding – iniquities.
Is.53:5 He was bruised for our iniquities.
Bruise = internal injury, no seen, internal, very painful.
The temple guards beat Jesus with his head covered so he could not see where the blows cam from.
Blood vessels under the skin ruptured and bled.
Iniquity is an inner drive towards sin, unseen, often generational.
Generational iniquities pressure and torment people.
Tit.2:14 “He gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify to himself a peculiar people zealous for good works”.
The blood of Jesus cleanses us from iniquity – generational, pride, lust, fear, anger, bitterness.

How to Apply

Heb 3:1 Confession = to say same things as God says.

(1) Admit sin
(2) Admit guilt
(3) Admit punishment
(4) Declare what Jesus has done – forgiveness, cleansed, freedom.