Many believers who've had a spiritual ministry and saw the supernatural operating will say in that day Lord, Lord, and He will say to them I'm sorry, I didn't know you. You worked inequity. Now that's a hard one to understand isn't it, because we think if someone is moving in the power of the Spirit, that means everything's right with God. No. What it does mean is they have faith for the miracle. It does not mean everything about their character and motivation is right with God, and you'll see in a moment what God is looking for is the character and the motivation and the relationship with him. So undergirding everything that we do for the Lord is firstly intimacy in relationship with Him and response to Him and the second is the motivation, what is causing us to do what we're doing. They're foundational, so if I just talk to you about works and don't address this issue, you just get into a frenzy of busyness and striving and you'll miss what's foundational for a fruitful life, which is our relationship with Him.
If you look in this you'll see very, very clearly, He said the one's that enter the kingdom of Heaven are those who do the will of the Father, so it's possible for you to run off on your own, doing all kinds of great and good things and God honours it because He's a God who honours His name, but it doesn't mean you're aligned with what He had for your life. Just because you're enjoying blessing in your life does not mean you're in the favour of God. You're blessed because He blesses everyone who comes to Him. We are blessed because of what Jesus did. Now our responsibility is to align with Heaven to what God wants for each of our lives and for you it's different to me. No one can tell you what that work is. That requires personal relationship with God and connecting to God's destiny for you personally, otherwise you end up with things like we'll just follow the dream in your heart. But that's only a partial truth. If I followed the dream in my heart I'd be fishing up in Warkworth.
Congregation: [Laughter]
Isn't that true? Or I'd be away overseas somewhere. If I'd followed the dream in my heart I'd be up in the Gold Coast doing something. In other words there are lots of dreams in the heart, but it doesn't mean to say they come from God. In fact actually He's talking here - notice what Jesus said - it's those who do the will of the Father. This requires an engagement with God to know what He wants you to do and that will mean the end of some things you did want to do. It means the cross, it means you will follow Him no matter what it is. You're laying down the rights to your life and you're walking in what He's called you to do, not what everyone thinks is a good idea or necessarily what you would like to do. Getting the idea?
You're going to see this over and over and over again, so teachings on dreams and visions, we'll come to that a little bit later, on the whole thing of desires of the heart. We'll get to that in another session, but you've got to get this foundation right first otherwise you'll run off to all kinds of things and you'll actually waste the years of your life when you should be productive.
Okay, we all ready? Okay, so let's go on a little bit further, getting in deep on this one here. Alright then, so what are the two key issues? Here they are; I will declare to them - now He says it so - I love Jesus. He actually makes it real clear. He said two things; I didn't know you, and two, you worked inequity. So we just need to understand what they are and one of the things in the Bible, if you're not sure what something means go look somewhere else and see if it turned up somewhere else, because if it turns up somewhere else the chances are He cast the light on it that you didn't see in this particular passage. So when you look at, I never knew you, well how on earth did they do the miracles? What is He talking about? And workers of inequity, they're doing miracles working inequity. How does that all work out?