Desires & the Will of God (3 of 7)

Mike Connell

Summary Notes

1. Introduction
Eph.2:10 “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works that God has prepared beforehand that we should walk in them”.
People long for a sense of purpose – destiny. God has written this desire into our hearts.
Destiny: Not fate, karma, something that is predetermined and you cannot change it. God invites us to relationship with Him and to discover what He has called us to do.
God has prepared unique works for you to do – it is a walk with God representing Him.
Eph. 2:2 “You once walked according to the course of this world … fulfilling the desires of the flesh and mind …”
Before we came to Christ we lived and walked in the values, lifestyle of the culture. This culture is influenced by demonic spirits. We did what we wanted – desires of flesh and mind. Now we are joined to Christ we begin to develop new values, new desires, world-view.

2. Your Desires and the Will of God
How are your desires connected to the will of God?
How can you discover the Will of God for your life?

(a) The Will of God is connected to your heart’s desires
· Prov.4:23 “Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life”.
· God has hard wired desires, passions, gifts into your life.
· Discovering desires, passions and gifts = discovering who we are – what designed to do:
· e.g. What do you love to do
What are you good at?
What are you passionate about?
What do others see in you?
What stirs you up – makes you angry?
What stirs compassion in your heart?
· Don’t argue with how God has made you – He didn’t make a mistake.

(b) Separated from God our desires tend to be self centred
· We tend to protect self, avoid painful experiences, memories, emotions.
· We tend to be self centred
Obtain our goals/desires at expense of others – Jam.4:1-4
Put our interests/welfare ahead of others – Mat. 16:21-23
Resist unexpected demands on time and resources.

(c) Connected and Yielded to God our desires change
· Ps.37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart.
· Delight = 6026 = to be soft, pliable, yielded, easily moved or shaped.
· Walking with the Lord brings change in desires and priorities.
· He delights in giving us our hearts desires – our responsibility is to monitor desires.
· Col.3:1-2 “Set your affection on things above not on things of the earth”.
· Our journey our walk with God requires we change our world-view – way we see life.

· Our Desires
o Can be just matters of interest/preference – wisdom.
o Can be destructive and harmful to self or to others – bring to the Cross.
o Can be deep motivations for life’s purpose – cultivate.

3. How to Discover the Will of God
This is a key question for every believer.
Jn.17:4 “I have glorified you on earth, I have finished the work which you have given me to do”.
Jn.5:38 “I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of Him who sent me”

Practical Keys
(i) What is the desire, passion of your heart?
e.g. Moses Act 7:23/ Samson Jud.14:1-6/ Jacob Gen.30:30/Jesus Lk.2:49.
Find what you love – make it how you love.

(ii) What does God expect me to be responsible for?
God doesn’t want you to be a slave – wants you to be a Son.
Connect with heart and identify desires, make plans and interact with God.
Prov.16:1 “To man belongs the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes reply of tongue”.
Prov.16:9 “In his heart man plans his course but the Lord directs his steps”.
You cannot remain neutral or passive – Mt 25 – Talents – initiative.

(iii) Does this agree with/contradict written Word of God?
Many choices in life are laid out in principles of the Word of God.
Act. 7:11.

(iv) Do you have a peace in your heart?
Col.3:15 “Let peace of God rule in your heart”.
Rule = 1018 = to arbitrate, govern, be an umpire.

(v) Are you open to consider timing, readiness, preparation?
You may have a desire but preparation is needed.
Prov.3:3-5 “Trust in the Lord”.

(vi) What will be the impact of your desires/plan upon others?
Gal.5:13 “You are called to liberty, but do not use liberty as an occasion of the flesh but by love serve one another”.

(vii) Are you open to the counsel of wise men?
Prov.11:14 “Where there is no counsel the people fall – but in multitude of counsel there is safety.”
Prov.12:15 “Way of a fool is right in his own eyes but he who heeds counsel is wise.”

4. Hindrances to Hearing the Will of God
(i) Having an Idol in your heart – mindset! Ezek. 14:7, 1 Kings 22:4-22 Ahab.
(ii) Immaturity or disobedience - 2 Tim.4:3.
(iii) Influence of Controlling Relationships - 2 Chron. 18:1 – Jehosophat.
(iv) Personal agenda – Self Preservation - Mt. 16:21-23
(v) Passivity – waiting for God to do something - Jer.29: 13-14.