Don't stay down, stay up, stay alive! Be joyful in the Holy Ghost! Why? Because the kingdom of heaven is [unclear 00.37.15] God's sons are always joyful. They've got joy in them! God's sons are always generous, they've got generosity in them. Well I don't have much to give. It doesn't matter, just give something. Only got $10 and you give five of them, well that's really generous. [Unclear 00.37.30] you're an abundant giver. You understand? It's like a heart spirit thing. We are the children of God. We're ambassadors in another kingdom. We are something the world hasn't seen yet who we are but oh, we're breaking out and [applause] becoming that! Come on, why don't we stand up and give the Lord a clap! Halleluiah! Oh Lord, we love You! We thank You we're becoming more like You. That's who we are! We're Christ followers! Oh halleluiah! Bold, courageous, full of the Holy Ghost, full of the joy of the Lord! Thank You Lord for all You've made us to be. We honour You Lord!
[File ends 00.38.08]