Tongues and Interpretation / Words of Knowledge (3 of 5)

Mike Connell

Not so many flow in it, and for a whole number of reasons; so what I want us to do is, were going to just do some activations together. We'll just get you back on your feet for a moment, and I'm going to get you to do two or three activations and praying in tongues. I want you to experiment with what you sense and feel as you do this. I want you to feel the flow inside.

On the count of three we'll pray. We won't pray for more than 30 seconds - just 30 seconds; and when you're praying in tongues, I want you to put your hand on your belly, and then pray strongly in tongues, building up your own spirit man. And as you pray in tongues and speak strongly to yourself, I want you to sense what happens inside you - what you feel in your body, as you do that. Are we ready? Okay, one, two, three.

Okay stop, just stop now. What did you experience? What did you sense as you prayed? What did you feel? Lots of energy? Something rising up inside you? How many did you feel like you were expanding, like you're sort of growing larger on the inside? That's quite a common experience to have that one.

Now this time, I want us to all pray strongly in tongues, and we just focus your thoughts on the Lord; and while we're worshipping Him, we're just honouring Him and thanking Him, I want you to see what happens in the atmosphere in the place; as with one mind, we set our minds on the Lord, just fix on Him, hold Him in your mind.

Okay, stop. What did you sense or notice as we did that? Breaking through? What were we breaking through? The atmosphere that's present; or spiritual atmosphere that sits over our nation, over our areas, over our region.

When you begin to give expression to the life of God, suddenly you feel release, and you've actually broken through an invisible, but real, resistance.

For many people, something sits around them, that just holds them down. It's working on the beliefs of the heart, and it's usually demonically operated around those beliefs of the heart. It just holds you down, and gets you in turmoil. When you decide to pray in tongues, it's like it all breaks off you.

Lasting freedom usually requires: Deliverance; and change in the heart beliefs, and freedom from bondages; but if you will pray in tongues, you can stir your spirit man up and become full of life.

When you become full of life, there's real power. If I was just to begin to pray strongly in tongues, I can feel my spirit rise up; and instead of being conscious of myself, I become conscious that God is within me. So if I just put my hand on her head and touch her; and I believe that I am charged and full with the Holy Ghost, I let go something from inside me, and you can see it visibly. You could see something is coming out of this person. There is a life of God, the hidden life of the spirit, which is designed to flow out of us.

Now it can be strong, it can be gentle. I've done it in a dramatic way, so you get something visual that gets you thinking about we connect with the realm of the spirit; and we bring from within us, from the gateway of our heart, we release the life of God.

Many times when people pray, or we minister to someone, it's like because of inferiority and rejection and the lies of the devil we tend to: oh, we'll just leave it all up to God. God, just You do it all.

Now God wants to work through you; so you have to give yourself, as you are joined one spirit to the Lord. So if you withhold yourself from loving the person, and releasing what you have to the person, nothing will happen, because I'm deliberately choosing to withhold me.

But if I begin to think how wonderful this person is, how God loves her, how God's heart is filling me with that love [blows once deeply] and something happened that time that was different. There was a flow of the spirit.

There was just a flow from within my spirit; or we could do another way. I get her to look to the Lord, not to me, which takes the pressure off me. Then I look to the Lord, who's the source, so we're both looking to the Lord. We'd expect something to happen, so the Bible says: have the faith of God, and if you'll speak to the mountain, be removed and cast into the sea and not doubt what you say will come to pass, then you'll have what you say.

So notice it says: “you speak”, so the power of God can be released by speaking; so if we're going to minister in healing and deliverance, we will have to speak.

So power flows when I am connected to God, and I hear what He's saying or doing, and then I speak.