Diseases of the Tongue (2 of 12)

Mike Connell

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You're not meeting the real person. They're projecting an image, a very carefully crafted image for you to connect with, so you know there's something not right in that person. The Bible says, we know people after the spirit, not after the flesh, not after what we see, so you've got to learn to listen to people, and to train yourself to open your heart to listen to the content of the person's words. You'll be amazed what you hear. If I hear a person praying, I listen to a person praying, I can tell the content of their walk with God. It just comes out in their praying. If a person is intimate and engaging God intimately, when they talk, you'll feel in the spirit of it, you'll feel the content of their walk with God. That's why the Bible's very clear; you want to know what a man's like, don't look at the outside, don't look at the money, don't look at the car he drives, don't look at the house. Don't look at anything around - look at the heart. How do you look at the heart? Well here it is; you've got to listen to the words that are spoken. Words give it all away.

Look what Jesus said here, and in Verse 34 He's rebuking the Pharisee's religious people. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. A good man, out of the good treasure in his heart, brings forth good things, an evil man, out of the evil treasure in his heart, brings forth evil things. Let's just stop there for a moment. So He said notice that whatever's filling your heart, will find expression through your mouth. Treasure are the things that you value, and you hold onto, so if you've got little treasures at home, you've probably got them in a little box, squirreled them away somewhere. They're treasures; maybe you've got some papers, maybe you've got some jewellery, maybe you've got something that's really valuable, something that's given, handed down. You'll have squirreled it away, and it'll be a little treasure. Anyone touches your treasures, you get upset - so everyone's got little treasures, but we also have treasures that we hold in our heart. Now they're not all necessarily good, but we still hold them in our heart, and hold on to them.

So for example, some people hold onto offences. Now offences aren't good things, but if you hold on to them, then they become the treasure of the heart, and guess what must come out? Offences. See? Some people have been really deeply disappointed, and they hold on to the hurt of their disappointment. Their disappointment's treasured in their heart. They hold on to that little thing, and they've buried it down... disappointment will be coming out of their words. It just cannot help but come out. Jesus said, out of what's in your heart you will speak, you will speak, and declare. Now notice what else He says. He says that every idle word that a man speaks, he'll have to give account for. Now I may get on to idle words next time around, but an idle word is a word that's empty, or has no substance or value in it. It's just chatter.

Here's the thing I want you to notice about it; that heaven is listening to every word you speak, and somehow every word you speak is recorded, otherwise how would you give account for it? Now some people can't even give account for their money, let alone their words. How you going to give account for your words? That's a major thing. You think about this, that the words that I'm speaking, all of them, God will remind me of them, and call me to give account for what I've said. Even as a preacher, I'll speak words, and then God will hear me speak the words, then He'll ask me if I was living the words, and show the inconsistency between spoken, and words lived. Ooh! We've got to think about this. See, not only do we give account before God one day, but we actually give account on the way, because on the way, you begin to reap the consequences of the words you speak - so even words spoken in silence have a way of getting out somewhere.

See, so our words are an expression of the life we have. Your words are an expression of the life you have, so for many men for example, we struggle to speak words that build intimate relationships, because of being alone, or being locked up, or being shut down in our own world, so when a man lives in a world where he keeps his thoughts, his heart and everything to himself, then what you find he'll struggle to build intimate relationships, because he hasn't got words, or hasn't learned to express words. Often you find in meetings, men won't sing, they won't clap, they won't do anything. They won't express, but that's actually a sign of dysfunction, because relationships are formed through words that have a substance of love in them.