Shane Willard 2010 (4 of 4)

Shane Willard

Page 9 of 10
They get so focussed on the light that they lose sight of the heavy. People are starving. We need to feed them. People are oppressed with the demonic. We need to be a hand in delivering them. People's lives are going to hell day by day by day, and we need to be a part of bringing heaven to that situation. There are single mums here who have four children. Their left eye twitches uncontrollably and all they need for heaven to come to their situation is for a group of people to watch their children once a week just so they can have four hours alone of peace and quiet. That would bring heaven to that situation, and we walk by it. Why? Because we're worried about systems and songs and lights and fog and programs and all of that. We lose sight of the heavy in favour of the light and when the enemy of our soul can get us to focus on the light instead of the heavy, he wins.

Now listen, I'm all for details and being organised and all that. We should focus on the light. That is something we should do, but any time we get so focussed on the light that we lose sight of the heavy then the devil wins. There's a group of people in Charleston, South Carolina who are so focussed on women not cutting their hair or wearing slacks, or wearing make up and not going to movies, and making sure people don't take a sip of beer that they're willing to hate people of a different race and not feed hungry people, and not clothe naked people and not visit prisoners. They've gotten so focussed on the light that they lose sight of the heavy and when that happens the enemy wins and the kingdom suffers. People say oh, it's just between me and God. No. Listen, if it's just between you and God do whatever you want to do. God can handle you. It's the problem is it's never between you and God; it's always between you and God and it affects a whole lot of people.

May we be kingdom people who are focussed on the heavy. May we be people - and you know what? All of us, all of us struggle with this. Why? Because it's the devil's primary strategy. He had this guy who had memorised the entire Bible. The guy had - the Pharisees had memorised the whole Bible, the whole thing. He had a guy who had memorised the whole Bible, yet he was missing the point. How did the devil accomplish that? How did he accomplish that? Here's all he did. He said wait a minute, let's see if we can restrict this and ask the wrong questions. When we start asking the wrong questions the right questions go to the side and we lose our effectiveness. Listen, we have got to step back and get the bigger picture. The disciples who watched the alabaster box lost the heavy in favour of the light: she's pouring pure nard on Him! That's against the law! Jesus says do not lose the heavy for favour of the light: she's preparing Me for My burial. Can you keep the bigger picture here? We're six days away from Passover. I'm fixing to have the worst week of My life. Can you at least journey with Me?

Like no one ever got it. Jesus said you know, I'm fixing to suffer and die but when I die don't lose hope. I'll rise again. Like one time He had this very special moment with His disciples. He said look guys, I've got to tell you. This is going to get really bad and when it gets really bad don't lose heart. I'm going to come back, and one of them goes when Your kingdom's established can I sit at Your right hand and not Your left? Jesus goes [unclear 00.39.31] [laughter] you're focussed on the light. Please keep the perspective on the heavy. Please keep the perspective on the heavy. Listen, all of us need grace from God to be heavy-minded people, bigger picture people. Listen, until all the starving people are fed I don't think He's worried about 80 year old women giving men lustful thoughts [laughter] or wearing hats or pants or whatever.