Cave of Adullam (3 of 5)

Mike Connell

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Looking into what David was like, we saw that there were some seasons in his life, and that each of the cities that he dwelt in was a season in his life. Bethlehem was the first season, where he was unknown, and he lived in Bethlehem from birth to about the age 17. No one is looking, but in that season, you are developing your relationship with God, and learning to serve, and be faithful in small things, with no one looking. David learnt what to do. He learnt how to fulfil small tasks faithfully,

The second place we saw was the season of promotion (1 Samuel 16). God was wanting to promote him. Promotion comes from the Lord. How did he get promoted? Someone else said: look, this is what I notice about this young guy...

1 Samuel 16:18 - He was skillful in playing. He developed musical skill. What are you doing to develop your skills? Have you got anything to offer? If you potentially have an ability in an area, but don't develop it, and just remain unskilled, then what you can contribute diminishes. You are called by God to become excellent in whatever skill, or ability, or thing, that He's put in your heart as a gifting. Develop it! It's your responsibility to develop.

They called him out, saying: he's excellent at playing an instrument. He's a mighty man of valor. He's got courage. He's developed his character, and he's not afraid to stand up, and speak out. He was a man of war. He had a fighting spirit. If something rises up, you can guarantee that he will stand up and challenge it.

How did they know that? They had heard of what he'd done - a bear came, and he took on the bear. A lion came, and he took on the lion, in hand to hand combat!

These characteristics were developed when no one saw but God. What giants are you facing in your life where no one is looking but God? Perhaps it's a giant of lust, fear, shame, or rejection? Whatever it is, challenge that giant! David said; when the bear tried to get me, I took a hold of him, and I slew him - and the Lord helped me. You'll never solve issues or problems in life if you aren't willing to face them and stand up to them.

It says that he was prudent in speaking. He was very careful in how he spoke. He'd developed wisdom, words that created impressions, and touched people's lives. He spoke wisely, he acted wisely. It also said that he looked good. He presented himself well.

Then it was said “the Lord is with him”. They were aware that he carried the presence of God in his life. Isn't that amazing, if others could say that about you? If your face comes up, an impression of what you're like will come up, and he established credibility by the time he was 17.

What have you established about your name, and your reputation, by this stage in your life? If people were to use your name, what would they say? Oh, he's a joker - that'll take you a long way! Oh man, he's the life and soul of the party - can drink everyone under the table. That'll take you a long way too, but not on the right path. What are you establishing in your life, that you want to be known for, so when your name is mentioned, people say: oh, I know that one? He's courageous! You want to hear how he speaks!

The Bible says that a good name is more to be desired than silver or gold. Its more desirable to have a reputation that's good and honorable, than anything else.

Then came the season of promotion, and he was promoted. He came into a place of immense favor, and of course that was also a place where everyone's eyes were on him. He slew Goliath, and suddenly he's had national prominence. He suddenly emerges to fame, has overnight success!