Cave of Adullam (3 of 5)

Mike Connell

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The thing is, if you are impacted by the praises of people, then you will also be impacted by their criticisms. When people are speaking well of you, it's a real test on your character, as to whether you'll give honor to the Lord for how you got to where you got. We need to be able to acknowledge what we've done; but give the Lord the credit. He enabled me!

David said: The Lord, who helped me slay the lion and the bear, will also help me slay this giant. He was constantly aware that God is helping him, and He was able to give honor to the Lord. I wonder how much you're able to honor the Lord, for the things you've accomplished in your life? Having a heart that's grateful will help you in that area.

Main Message

I want to move on to the next season now, because seasons in life shift. People are fickle, and they change, but God is always so consistent.

1 Samuel 19:8 – “There was a war again; David went out and fought the Philistines, and struck them a mighty blow, and they fled from him”.

He's still on a winning streak - he's just gone out and won a battle; but now he comes into what we call the Cave of Adullam, which is the season where you are misunderstood, rejected, and treated unfairly. Misunderstandings, rejection, injustice - everyone who's going to become a king (a man or woman of God) will have times when you are in the cave of Adullam.

David had just gone out and done something good, but now the distressing spirit from the Lord came upon Saul, as he sat in his house. David was ministering with his music, and then Saul tried to kill him.

1 Samuel 19:11 – “Saul sent messengers to David's house to watch him, and to kill him in the morning. Michal, David's wife told him: if you don't save your life tonight, tomorrow you'll be killed”.

He had to get out, and to flee. He's gone from being the hero of the nation, to experiencing a demotion, and now they outright want to kill him! He's rejected, misunderstood, and he faces tremendous injustices - not once, but many times.

The message of misunderstanding is: “you don't understand me”! I've heard lots of people say that. Young people say it all the time. No, you're not making yourself clear! Misunderstanding is a part of life, and you have to be able to handle it, and not need to have people understand you.

You're going to have times in life where people don't understand you, and totally get it wrong. What goes in your heart, and what happens in your life, when you're having that season? Often, we want to be understood, so we rise up, and begin to contend, so people can understand us - rather than just saying: it’s okay, God understands, and I can rest in Him. If I need to, I can communicate.

I've been in times where it didn't matter what I said - it just got worse and worse! I realized… zip your lip! But you don't understand… my intentions are pure! Listen, zip! You're just making it worse! Just don't even try to explain yourself and justify yourself - it will get worse!

The Lord is the justifier. He can come and sort it out, and the same people who misunderstand you, and hate you today, can turn around tomorrow and think you're wonderful. Now they think they understand you - but they don't; and you don't have to be understood by everyone. Just let it go. Let go needing to be understood. Just bring your issues to God.

The second one is Rejection – nobody cares about me! I've heard lots of people say that! I used to say it myself, inside my head, all the time. You don't understand! Nobody cares! That's not true, but it's an attack on your inner man, where you experience the pain, and the grief, that goes with being rejected. You don't fit in. It appears like people don't want you. That's painful! No one wants that experience.