Speak the Word of God

Mike Connell

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In other words, here's the thing you do is, you shape your world with things you speak, intentionally. All the gifts I flow in, I intentionally speak them into being over my life, most days. Most days, so you say: what would that look like? I can say: well Lord, I thank You today for the gift of prophecy flowing in my life. Today I declare I hear Your voice clearly, and I instantly respond. Thank You Lord, You're showing me destinies, You're showing me in people's life, the things that You are doing. I begin to lay out what things I'm believing God to flow into in the prophetic gift, in the areas of power ministry, same thing, every day. Thank You Lord that blind eyes will open, the deaf will hear; as I lay hands upon people, I thank You lame people walk, sick people get out of wheelchairs. I speak it. Do you see it all the time? No, but I'm not living out of what I'm experiencing now, I'm living for another day, and I'm seeing more of that other day coming near to me. Do you understand? You see you're framing your world, not by what you see, but what is not seen.

If you frame your world, or interpret your world, out of what you see, you'll always misinterpret. If you interpret your world, and respond to your world out of what God says, you'll have a whole different life. If someone blows up, there's a big problem comes, then its: God what are You teaching me in this? How do You want me to respond? It becomes another opportunity to learn. It's no wonder David could say: I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I won't fear evil, You're with me. You're with me, You're with me. I meditate in that truth, You are with me. I see it. When I'm with the sheep every day, You're with me, every day. Then he says: You prepare a table before me. In other words, whatever happens, whatever difficulties come, it's a table of opportunity.

So why don't we just close our eyes right now. I'd like you to just think about a couple of questions. I want you to think just how you respond. God's trying to talk into our lives today, to shift us, to shift us, so here's the first question. Have you observed negative speaking coming out of your mouth? Where, when, and why? What could you do about that? It doesn't mean we don't talk about our struggles and problems with someone, that's an environment for sharing and caring, building connection and support. I'm just talking about mouthing-off. In what ways could you speak into your own life to build yourself? What could you do, to begin to intentionally build your own life; speaking into your body, your soul, your spirit, speaking into your circumstances, speaking God's word over your life? It has to be specific, don't be general. Get it more specific, and try to picture it, because your soul can't handle things that are not concrete. If you just say: I'm blessed; that's not going to cut it with your soul. What would blessing look like? Oh, I see people smiling, I see favour, I see God's hand drawing and attracting people, and I'm influencing them. Now that's specific, so try to be very specific, not general.

And what about others, how are you responding to others? Are you intentionally looking to impart grace and empower people; or are you finding often there's a negative flow in your interactions? Why is that, and what could you do about it? If there's a negative flow, then what does that say about what's in your heart, that you may need to examine, and to address? Nothing much happens unless you engage your own heart. Listen to yourself through the next week; what is coming out of my mouth? Am I intentionally building my life and that of others; or subtly, have I lost ground, and there's a lot of stuff coming out which is not good? What am I going to do about that?