Speak the Word of God

Mike Connell

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Jesus, I will hold my confession of faith with You, believing and trusting, that what You began, You will complete; and trusting that in spite of weaknesses, lacks and failures, Your grace is sufficient for me. Today I receive that grace to change; and I release grace to others. Thank You Lord. What I'd love you to do, if you feel comfortable with it, is just to pray for someone next to you. Maybe God will put a verse or something in you, just to speak some encouragement to them, just something that would just strengthen them today. To you it may not be much, but to them it could be a life changer. You don't know if the person sitting next to you has decided: I've had it with God, I'm giving up; and your word could change that. Why don't you just pray for someone next to you, speak a word of encouragement into their life; I see this in you. I see good things in you. God bless. Have a fantastic rest of the day.