The Two Kingdoms (5 of 8)

Mike Connell

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God wants you to be freed. You just have to make a decision tonight, if you will come to the cross of Christ and release forgiveness. “But well it’s so not fair”. It isn’t fair. Forgiveness means: I release the debt, because God has forgiven me much, I will forgive others and bless them. Jesus said: “Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who despitefully use you.”

If you have someone who’s been cursing you, forgive them and bless you. “I don’t want to.” No. That’s bitterness that’s saying that. If someone has used you, and hurt you, and manipulated you, and damaged you, then pray for them. “I don’t want to do that.” That’s because of bitterness, so you’re the one who’s tormented.

Tonight you can be free of that. God wants to set many, many people free tonight of bitterness; resentment; unforgiveness. You’ve just got to make a decision: “It’s time for change. I will come tonight to the cross. I will let go of my hurt, and my heartache. I will let go of my sorrows. I will release forgiveness. I will start of bless instead of curse.” Will that change the other person? Not at all; but it will change you, and you can be free.

As we pray for people, many people will be set free of all kinds of tormenting spirits. Listen, I have found that whenever people are involved in idolatry, there is bitterness. Whenever people are involved with evil spirits, there is bitterness. Whenever people have been involved in sexual relationships, there is bitterness. Whenever people have suffered at the hands of others, there is bitterness. But Jesus can make the bitter waters sweet. He can turn your life around, and you can be a blessing for others.

Here’s the most interesting scripture: Now, the God of all comfort, comforts you in your distress, so you can comfort others, in the same way God comforted you.

Let’s just close our eyes right now. Firstly, I want to extend an invitation to any person here tonight who’s not yet a Christian – you have not yet received Jesus. I’m inviting you tonight to come to Jesus Christ. Jesus said: Everyone who received Him, everyone who believed on Him, He gave the right to become a child of God.

So tonight if you’re here, and you’re not a Christian, there’s a spiritual vacuum in your life. It can only be filled by relationship with God. Jesus invites you into relationship with Him, and to become a partner with Him, in changing the lives of others. He said: “Come, follow Me. I’ll make you to become a fisher of men. Come, follow Me. I’ll change you, and your life will be sweet to people. Come follow Me, you won’t walk in darkness. I will have the light of God’s life. Come follow Me.”

That’s Jesus’ invitation tonight. The Bible says: “God so loved the world (loved you), that He sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross for your sins, that whoever would believe in Him, would not perish but have eternal life.

This is what I want you to do – you’ve been here in the meeting tonight, you’ve felt the presence of God, you’ve seen the Spirit of God touch people, you’ve see joy come into people’s lives like an invisible river from heaven. You’ve also seen a young woman set free of tormenting spirits. God is real. It’s not my power. It’s the Spirit of God; and that same Spirit that brought joy to people, that set that young woman free, is here for you.

Here’s what I want you to do now – every person wishing to receive Jesus Christ, please raise your hand tonight. Raise your hand and let me know. “I want to receive Jesus.” Just put your hand up. Put your hand up wherever you are. This is an important decision, to receive Jesus, to become a Christian.

This is what we’re going to do now: in a moment everyone will stand; and we will begin to clap and celebrate; and every person who put their hand up, and even those who didn’t put their hand up, if you’re wanting to receive Jesus tonight, to open your life for God to forgive you, this is what I want you to do. Make your way up to the front, make a row facing me, and I will lead you in a simple prayer. If you brought someone, and they don’t know Jesus, ask them if they’d like you to come up with them.