Legacy (1 of 4)

Mike Connell

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They want to see Christ in you! That's why the Holy Ghost was put into you. The day is on us now, for the church to begin to arise and say: what has God put in my heart? What is God making me to be? What am I becoming?

God has raised ministries like Peter and Sandy, to help set people free in their hearts - but it's not all about healing. That's just a little bit to get you awakened, so you fulfil what God called you to do.

For some, they're drawn to that - well multiply it! Others will get the benefit of it. Eat it; then find what God called you to do - and passionately do it. Let the kingdom of God grow.

Don't be religious. It's about a life, a hidden life with God, that is impacting people - and you're called to it. It's in you to do it. Take hold of it!

Matthew 6:33 – “Seek first the kingdom of God, and everything else will be added to you”.

Luke 4:18 – “Oh the Spirit has anointed me”.

These are core things in our lives - and we live them; I want you to live them too. If you can't live them, then enjoy the fruit them - and invite someone else to eat the fruit too; but its better if you learn to live them, and reproduce them.

Closing Prayer

Father, we just come before You; we thank You for the great joy - that the Holy Spirit would come and live in our hearts; to make us great people - followers of Jesus; to inspire us, put visions and dreams; begin to empower us - so we can have an influence.

Our life can count - so when we get to the end of our life, we don't look back full of regrets. We look back and say: “Praise God for His faithfulness!”

What legacy are you building? What are you building to impart to someone else?

“A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children” - so the good man's thinking generationally.

It may be you're just putting some values into your children - but don't wait until you're old. If you're just a young couple, start to think through what legacy you want to build in your marriage. If you've got a first child - begin to think what family values you're wanting to build.

Those children that come into your life are going to leave your life; and when they leave your life, will they look back and say: man, I thank God for mum and dad! They kept us on the right track. They built Godly values into us; or will they shake their fist at you and say: we really resent you for the way you've treated us - put everything else first?

Legacy has got many dimensions to it; and the first place is practical - in the family; it's financial; your values; what you're intentionally putting into your children.

If you're a parent, and your children are growing up, and they're in teenage years - don't leave it to the schools, and the church, to try and do the job God called you to do. Invest in your children.

I'm starting to put time in my grandchildren now, because it's valuable - they're valuable to me. I want them to have relationship; because out of that, there's impartation.

What are you building? Who are you sharing your life with - your life in Christ?

Are you in any group; or any connection - people that you share with, and have anyone speak into your life? Have you made it possible for anyone to help you in your journey to grow? Have you got anyone you're intentionally reaching out to?

Will it be said, at the end of the season, that you had such an opportunity to learn so much in God - but you never made any of it your own? What a tragedy!

Some of you may look back, and you made a lot of mistakes. It’s okay - God can redeem your mistakes if you're just honest - confess them to Him, and say: God, I've been so selfish. I've done so many things that were dumb. Lord, there's a lot of pain, but help me now to build a different future.

Think about your workplace. How many of you are thinking about what legacy you will leave in your work? When you finish up in that job; will they say: oh well, he's gone; or will they say: oh, what a loss! He brought such a river of life into this workplace - we loved having him here!