Victim Mentality (1 of 2)

Mike Connell

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And so someone rips you off, someone hurts you, someone betrays you, yeah, we're more than conquerors through this Jesus Christ, we have access to this person who loves us, who reveals the Father's love. We have access to Him, oh, we're going to be turning to Him, we're going to open up to His love. The riches of His love will grow in our life, and we'll become overcomers in a greater way! You don't have to stay in a place of defeat all the time. Why should you? You're not called to that. God has brought you out of the bondage of slavery to fear, and into knowing Him as a Father, into His wonderful and glorious life. Who would turn away from that? Who would prefer to stay like the older brother in the house, bitter, resentful, angry, twisted, unloving, cold, unable to connect with the JOY of what God is doing in other's lives? Ooh, don't stay there. Those were the religious people, the Pharisees of the day.

Jesus said: this is a day of great rejoicing, when there are two groups of people, those who don't know Him are coming to know the Father's love, be restored, and it's time to celebrate, and there are those who are in the house, who don't know the Father's love, coming to be restored, and together celebrating the goodness and love of God. What a great God we serve, Amen. [Amen] Why don't we give Him a clap right now? [Applause]

Father, we thank You for Your amazing love, where with You have loved us, and given Your Son, and hold nothing back from us. Father, we open our hearts here - just close your eyes for one, two more minutes. I wonder is there any person here who's not yet received Jesus Christ, and positioned yourself, opened your heart to have your sins forgiven, and receive a flow of the love of God from heaven. Well this is your day to do it. This is a great day to do it. Jesus said: to everyone who received Him, He gave power to become a child of God. Is that you today? Why don't you put your hand up and say Pastor, I'm going to give my life to Jesus today? Perhaps you may have fallen away from the Lord, you say I need to come back to Him today, I've got lots of other things in my heart. That fire is no longer burning.

Perhaps today God has spoken to some of you about isolation and distance. You may not have understood all I said, but when I talked about being isolated, and working hard but never feeling you're good enough or making it, something registered with you; just raise your hand, say that's me. God bless, many hands. When I began to talk about thinking like a victim, and it's not my fault, always someone else's fault, and when someone tries to help you and adjust you, you just react to them and say: you're attacking me. Why are you attacking me, why are you putting me down? And all they're trying to do is help you see something you can't see. If that's you, you've got troubles. Why don't you say: God, You're speaking to me today? That's right, God bless, God bless.

Father, I just thank You for each person's responded today, there would come a revelation, a river of Your love to bring healing, restoration. Father, we want to live in the love of God. Whatever our circumstance, whatever's happening, we open our heart for an increasing awareness of Your love. I can feel His presence just coming upon us right now. I could feel it from the beginning of the service. Just lift your hands, open your heart, just do something, say Father, I receive Your love. I receive Your love. Whatever blocks me from receiving more, show me, show me. I want to journey into intimacy with You, knowing You, experiencing You, becoming secure so I can actually represent You well. I don't want to be dysfunctional in my relationships, blaming, accusing, reacting. I want to be whole. Lord, I receive Your love. I can feel His presence and love here right now.