Unashamed (1 of 6)

Mike Connell

Page 6 of 10
So when we get to this issue of shame, you're going to begin to see that shame was never part - see they were not ashamed, UNASHAMED! Ha! God's my father. He's put me in charge of it all - look at the glory, oh! Unashamed, expressive, creative. Adam was extremely creative. Listen, if we brought every animal in the world to you, and you didn't know any of their names, and we said give them all a name, you'd be struggling. Why? Because we've fallen short of that creative realm that God originally put into us, but even though we've fallen short of it, it's still there because that's who we are. You can't change the child who's your child that broke it's arm, all it means is he can't function properly, but he's still your child, and he's still valuable. If you can get the arm fixed up he'll begin to function again just like he was designed to do, and so we've got to see that God's plan for us is to become connected to Him again, and then to learn how to function like He intended us to function, in our marriages, our families, our finances, our business, our life, wherever God's called you to be, being creative and unashamed!

Now of course you're going to find the moment you get like that, there's going to be the big put down, who do you think you are? So you've got to deal with shame in your own life, and then learn how to handle shame around you. There's no way we're going to get away from actually exposure to shaming of various kinds, so unashamed. Notice in Proverbs 3, Verse 35, it says: the wise inherit glory, but shame is the legacy of fools. That's an interesting statement. I looked up words where glory and shame were together, and I found there's a whole heap of them. I'm only going to give you that one - it says the wise, yeah, the wise, haha! The WISE! The wise man says yes to God, see? He is full of glory. He shall inherit glory. In other words, if we connect with God, the one thing He wants to put in our lives is His glory, His goodness, His creativity, His passion, His desires, His life, and He wants you to truly come alive and live life, see? It's religion's the problem, see? It says: the fool inherits shame, so got to understand this: shame is for God's enemies, not for His family.

Shame has little or no place in the family of God. God has not called us to shame, He's called us to glory, but His enemies - all through the Bible it talks about His enemies being covered with shame. Who's His key enemy? Lucifer, the angel once moving in heavenly realms, who by rebellion against God, sinned and fell short of his former glory and became a demon. So if an angel can become a demon, what could we become if we let go of God? There's no limits to how bad we can become, but we are still at the core of our being, made in the image of God. It's just damaged by sin and our yielding to sin, so if we can address this kind of stuff we can get out. Man, we've got some possibilities here haven't we, some good possibilities here, see? Good possibilities here, possibilities. See sometimes whole cultures can live in shame, whole nations can live in shame. Families can live in shame, marriages can be filled with shame, individual lives can be filled with shame. Shame is a demonic entity that comes to stop, it comes to steal some things. Let me just show you how the shame came in.

I'm not going to deal with it much, I want just to tell you this: shame is a thief. Jesus said: the thief came to steal, kill and destroy; I've come to give you life. Let's look in Genesis 3. I don't want to go into all the dynamics of it. I'll pick it up in a little more depth. I just want to show you a couple of things that happen. See, now notice here it says in Genesis, Chapter 3, the serpent was very cunning, more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. He said to the woman: has God indeed said you'll not eat every tree of the garden? And so he had entered into a debate with her you see? And eventually, you know the story - it says Verse 6, she gave to her husband with her and he ate, and the eyes of them both were opened and they knew they were naked. They sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings. And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God, among the trees of the garden.