Your Identity in Christ (1 of 4)

Mike Connell

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Ephesians 2:10, we're His workmanship, created in Christ for wonderful things. That's who you are. You're not what people said you were. You're better than that. You're much better than that, see? You're a wonderful saint of God. You're a representative of God. You're someone called to carry His love, life and presence and make a difference in the community. That's who you are. Did you realise you're an ambassador, someone sent to make a difference? But you've got to think that way. How do I get to think that way? It's a bit of a process. I think it helps if you realise that you had been thinking wrong, and you begin to do these things. I need to take a scripture and begin to memorise it - it helps just to memorise the scripture, but then make it personal. Make it very personal. Begin to meditate on it, scriptures that say who I am in Christ. This is who I am. I'm a child of God and I can come to my Father.

This is who I am. I am greatly loved of God. I'm a person who is loved, absolutely wonderfully loved. Of course your heart doesn't always believe that, so you have to change what's in your heart. You meditate on it, you begin to picture, imagine the truth of God, embrace it and believe it with all the capacity you have, and the truth conceives. Because what God says already exists in the Spirit, it's just got to conceive and give birth in my heart. God says I am blessed. I'm blessed with every blessing. [Unclear 00.42.18] David said the Lord is my shepherd, or putting it today we'd say the Lord is my Friend and I never lack anything. I've always got what I need, and you see to feel that, to live that out we have to change the way we see ourself. Sometimes we've got to resolve some issues and forgive people and break the power of words spoken over us, but you are better than you think. You're a wonderful person, a wonderful person, make no mistake about it.

You're a wonderful, unique person, loved by God, embraced and celebrated by your Heavenly Father. You're someone entitled to receive from God because of what Jesus did. You are called and privileged to represent Him. That's who you are. Now you decide whether you'll believe that and live that out, or whether you'll believe what you've always believed and you'll just live a life different to that. We choose what we believe. What kind of life are you going to live? Are you going to live out being the person God called you to be? You mighty man of valour, I have challenges for you to face and I will be with you. I'm going to send you to make a difference in the community where I've placed you. I'm going to send you to take on some demons, because didn't you know you are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves you and gave Himself for you?

You're not just an ordinary winner; you're greater than a winner. You're a super winner. You're definitely not a loser. The devil's the loser. That's who you are - what a privilege, who I am in Christ. This is why I love the prophetic gift. Many times the prophetic gift will speak out and bring revelation of who a person is and what God wants to say about them. That's who you are, a great man, a great woman of God. That's who you are. There's greatness in you, unimaginable greatness. He is able to do more than you ask or imagine. He's willing to do it. He can do it, but you've got to imagine more and ask for more. Why don't you make a decision, I'm not going to live out of the names people call me and the things I've taken on board. I'm going to begin to discover what God says I am and I'm going to live out of that.

I'm going to begin to renew my mind and my pictures every day. Every day I'll begin to meditate, begin to see this is who I am. I'm a winner today. I've got Almighty God with me. I can't help but win, and even if I have a setback or two, or three or four, at the end I win anyway because I learn from them, get up again and get going again. See? And maybe you get overthrown by sin. Maybe you fall down, something goes wrong. That's okay, I'm still a winner. I'm a forgiven child of God. I'm going to stand up and believe that. When the devil starts to get on your back and say you're a loser, you can't do anything, I'm going to just reject his lies. I'm going to stand up and say I am who God says I am; I'm a winner in life. I'm a wonderful, unique person, a gift to this community. You imagine if the church in our city rose up believing that and began to express it?