What is your relationship with the Holy Spirit like? I'm finding recently He's saying more and more, to just relax and lean on Him and to make a fresh commitment to trust Him more, to lean on Him more, just to flow with Him more, not try and worry about getting everything worked out. Holy Ghost is wonderful. I was going to pray for some people soon, but I'll get stuck in, get away on the Holy Ghost in a moment. Notice this: see, this is a major work of the Holy Ghost. He's put inside you to help you find your assignment! How good does that get! People are worried about seeing angels and things. I'm not worried about seeing angels, because Almighty God is inside my spirit! Same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is inside me! It's not a different Holy Ghost you've got, you know.
You've got to learn how to arise with the power of the spirit in your life. It's not so hard. We teach it over and over and over. We're going to go through it again, because I find people forget. They just forget, plum forget. But I tell you what, you can be energised by the Holy Ghost! In Philippians, Chapter 2, it says: it is God, or the Holy Ghost, who energises you, who works in you; to will, and to do of the things that please the Father. So there it is. Your assignment is: the Holy Ghost knows what your assignment is. He knows what He's wanting to do today. He knows what He wants to do in you tomorrow. Get connected to the Holy Ghost!
You get fired up and energised! Get that gift of tongues praying, until you break all that heaviness off you! Start to renew your soul, so you're getting revelation from the spirit! The spirit of man, the Bible says, is the lamp of the Lord; so if you want revelation, your spirit has to be able to flow through a soul that's clear of depression and heaviness and condemnation and guilt! That's why we need to be free in our soul! Free and just love the Holy Ghost! I love Him! Amazing! Then you get praying in tongues every day. I guarantee your life will change. First three days, stretch you a bit. After that all kinds of problems will come. [Laughter] They will, I can assure you, absolutely assure. You commit every day I'll get up, and I'll start to pray in tongues, then I'll start to tenderly worship God, and I will begin to stir my spirit man, let the word of God begin to meditate in my soul. You'll have some problems, I can tell you now.
What are the problems? Oh, I understand. They're the opposition to my assignment. So how many rolled over and gave up? Come up in an altar call and get prayer. [Laughs] Okay, so the Holy Ghost, first one. Revelation, revelation. Holy Ghost energised. Second thing is, I believe it's personal insight. I believe if you're going to fulfil the assignment God's given to you, you need personal insight. You need insight as to who you are, how God's wired you, and I'll give you some practical things how to discover that. They're quite simple but sometimes we overlook - you know, the Bible tells us that we have gifts that differ, so you are different. Tell someone: actually, you're different. You're really different. You're really different! Whoa! Because the problem is, we want to make them all the same. God says NO! You know what He says? When I made you, I said: I'll never do that again! There's only going to be one of you. You are unique. Broke the mould, the next one comes out as different. Every one is different. Difference is good. Get in a church culture, everyone wants to make you the same. Difference is good. Difference is God, so He's creative. Look around at the number of plants, trees, animals. The variety everywhere, difference is grea,t and you can be totally different. Why not? If you've got hair, colour it!