So what do you have? That's not so hard. If you were to think - see we try to make it so spiritual, but if you were to think: what is it I really love doing? Can I just begin to give myself to that, include others, and bring others into the world of what I love, and start to impact them for Christ? That could be your assignment.
I was just quite thrilled recently - you know Beryl? Beryl loves to be kind and hospitable and recently she did an amazing thing. She gave up a half a days pay and wages and whatever, so she could set up a programme to teach people how to cook. She loves to cook, and so she's just got two places, first it was just one here. She does a class here, and she just loves to cook and help people to cook; and now she's found another place she can do it and be evangelistic. Now that's just actually taking what you love, and then bringing others into your world where you love doing this, then letting God touch them.
We've got others in the church, and they're never up on the platform, or ever being vocal in any kind of way, but they are phenomenal in what they do, phenomenal. They just do what they love doing - say I love doing it. Just I love it. And it's usually the thing that God's called you to do, and it's a matter of then being able to focus it. Here's another couple of things. The last one I believe is this: you actually have to actively pursue what God wants you to do. I don't think it just falls on our plate. I think it requires an active pursuit, and by active pursuit, I believe that the devil is assigned to try and stop you going into what God has for you to accomplish with your life.
I was just talking with Richard this morning, and God's put in his heart a whole number of giftings around the area of marriage and counselling, and had a huge amount of experience, and he wants to write a book. So he's got a book, but he was talking to me today about all the difficulties he's had just facing the publishing of the book; but he has an assignment, and so there are battles with your assignment, so don't think that's strange. Don't think it's strange that the thing that God called you to do, that you'd face conflict in it. It's absolutely normal, because you are called uniquely to advance the kingdom, and there will always be opposition to that from the spirit world, and in people; and God can use it to grow you, and build the man and the woman of God He wants to build.
So here's some other simple practical things I think we have to do in the pursuit of our assignment. Here's a few things: number one, look for opportunities to help people. Look for opportunities to serve and help people. I think we should be proactive in helping people, because your assignment is always to someone. It's always to help someone. Jesus came, and His assignment was to help the whole world, and His assignment He left to the church, carry on the mission! See? So every assignment that God has, no matter what form it takes, will be in service to people. So whether you're behind in an office, or whether you're out, seen or whatever, there'll always be people you're serving. That's a part of it, so look for the opportunities. Galatians 6:10 tells us: as we have opportunity do good to all men, and especially those who are believers, so look for opportunities. Make it a lifestyle of looking for opportunities to help people, and be a blessing to people, and that's one way of discovering your assignment, because you start to find your way into it quite quickly.