Creative Power of the Tongue (12 of 12)

Mike Connell

Page 11 of 11
You start to do that with God, the whole atmosphere around you changes, spiritual atmosphere shifts, everything shifts, everything changes. You've got to learn to do it. Okay, here's another key then; manage your outer world. You need to also manage what's around you. You've got to make decisions, I'm not going to actually let what's around me prevail over my life, so that means you've got to watch what you're looking at, what sorts of things you're feasting your eyes on, what sorts of things you're listening to, and what kind of people you're hanging out with. You become like the people you hang out with, so hang out with good people. Now you're friendly to all, but your friends are people who are going forward for God, see? If you make your friends the unsaved, you'll find after a while if you don't have a strong inner life, they will eventually take you where they're going. You see you've got just guard your outer world, so in other words be on the alert.

Then the final thing is, you need to consciously release the life of God. We need to consciously release what's in our spirit. Now that means I've got to do something, got to be quite proactive, so if I've spent time and I've built with God in my prayer life, had time in the presence of God, strong expressions, now I can start to let something fly out. Now have you ever seen a person who got a little bit afraid on the stage, and they sort of got a bit [Spoken quietly and awkwardly 00.48.59] nervous like this and um, and ah, and then they sort of shut down? Now what you're feeling now is, I'm withdrawing all spirit life completely from this. I'm actually shutting down, letting my soul block you all off, and that's what many people live their life like. But I can come, and choose to smile, and speak, and appreciate, and praise, and acknowledge, and I can start to do things with my voice that actually start to change the things around me. You can stand up inside, even with a little prayer; In Jesus' name I take dominion over this, and I release the life of God, and just begin to see the life just flowing from within you.

You see you can release the life of God all around you. Today Father, everywhere I go, I carry the life and joy and vitality of the Holy Ghost! You see it in prayer, long before you're doing it, and then you begin to develop a different habit. When you walk into a room, go and say hello to everyone, don't wait for everyone to come and say hello to you. When you see someone who's a teller, greet them, hi, how are you doing? Thank you for what you're doing for me today. Just start to express the life of God whole heartedly, and you begin to start to have an influence. You find the atmosphere begins to change. As soon as you walk into a room and it's all shut down, well you can change it within a little while but you're going to have to speak things, have to do some things. You have to talk, you have to speak, you have to start to actually arise on the inside instead of shrinking. Shrinking is because we're intimidated, arising is because we've chosen to be ambassadors and to have a prevailing spiritual atmosphere.

See the word of God alive in my heart. Wherever I go the life of God is flowing out of me. I am joined one spirit to the Lord. The spirit of God flows out of my innermost being. I thank you today wherever I am that life will flow. I see it long before I'm ever out there, and the life of God surely flows, but you've always got to make the decision not to be passive. Tell someone next to you, don't be passive. Don't be passive - change. Change. Change. Change. Change. Change! Change! Become vocal. Become expressive. Change! Get around people who are.