Creative Power of the Tongue (12 of 12)

Mike Connell

So now, so human spirit, the spirit of God, and demonic spirits. Now of course you choose what's going to flow, and what'll be around your life. It's your choice. No one makes that choice for you, it's your choice, and let me give you two key very simple scriptures. I'll develop them at another time in another series, but here they are, 1 Corinthians 6 and Verse 17. The Bible says he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit. So how many spirits there? One. That means when you are joined to the Lord, when you become a Christian and you walk with God, your spirit is joined - and that word is the same word, like in a marriage, two becoming one. They're two distinct people, but they flow as one, so a good marriage, the couple flow as one. They're in unity. Now of course you can get into disagreement and grieve the Holy Spirit, but if you become sensitive to Him and begin to listen to Him, and we begin to walk with Him, and we do the things that please Him, and follow His promptings, we begin to walk and flow with Him. Now notice this. If my spirit is joined to the Holy Spirit, then when my spirit flows out, the anointing flows with it. When my spirit flows out, the anointing flows with it.

Notice in John 7, Verses 38 and 39, it says out of your innermost being will flow rivers of living water, and this Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit. Now the Holy Spirit just doesn't flow out of you. You have to be part of this. You have to give yourself, so if you're locked up and demonised and subject to demonic atmospheres and oppression, you are locked inside, you can't release your potential. You can't release what God has given you today, so I want to build an atmosphere around my life, that creativity can flow, and ideas can flow, and life can flow, and joy can flow, and I can have a strongly positive influence around me. Is that right? Now you choose that. You choose that, and you develop it, and you build it. It's not something that just happens. Everything you build you build. You don't just sort of have a whole lot of materials there, and hope the building will put itself together. It doesn't happen that way.

Now how many have heard of the word charisma? Charisma - and you kind of feel well, you've either got it, or you haven't got it, you know? Well charisma is a divine impartation to people. How many people have charisma? We all do. Well, the charismatic movement, you know, the charisma that comes from the word charis, the grace of God. Is there anyone here doesn't have the grace of God? We all have the charis, so we all have the potential to be in a measure, charismatic. Of course you think well, that's not me. Time to upgrade mentalities then, and get in touch with who you are as a new creation person. You are charismatic. Why? Because God has given you grace, that you might impart it to others, and to impart it to others, you've got to catch it, and be free in it, and flow in it, and access it continually. This is what God has called all of us to be, charismatic people, people who flow in the gifts of grace, the grace of God to others. This is wonderful. I'll give you some keys, some simple things in a moment. I'm just trying to get you thinking right around this.

So of course certain people who are not born again, also have a great degree of charisma. They're flowing from their human spirit without the Holy Spirit, but they still have charisma. So another definition of charisma is, it's an empowerment to be able to influence people. Now you notice this, see President Kennedy, a political leader, had tremendous charisma. When you were around him, you felt his personal presence. He influenced people. Ever looked at some top entertainers, top movie stars, they carry a presence, a charisma. There's something about them. But when they go off the rails, boy that something leaves quick, and people who are spiritual people can carry a charisma too. Now charisma - I'll develop that when we talk on things of the human spirit, developing the whole flow of the life of the spirit later on in the year, but let me just say this. Charisma is the flow of the life of God from within you, and it comes about, of course we need focus. You have to have a focussed life. A divided life is not going to flow, you'll be too divided. People are attracted to where someone is really focussed, and know what they're doing, and know where they're going, and are non-compromised. It is extremely attractive.