The Rest of Faith (4 of 4)

Mike Connell

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His concern was: how come you, My parents, didn't realise what was happening? How did you miss this? If you were sensitive to the changing season, you would have known that this is exactly what I'd be doing.

For you and I as believers, even for us as a church, we can get so familiar to Jesus moving in certain ways, that when He changes - we get upset, because He's not doing what we think He should be doing.

We tend to be angry with Him, blame Him, because this is not going how I'd like.

His question comes back, saying: you've walked with me this season, for this much time, and you've learned all these things. How could you not realise, this is what I would be doing at this time?

Why are you so agitated, that I'm doing these things, at this time? It's because you're not aware of the season of God, you've become wrapped up in yourselves.

I believe the church in the West becomes so wrapped up in itself, it's missed that the whole season has shifted, that God is moving.

Today, as I was listening to the stories (I want to hear more of those stories) of people going out into the community, and just showing love and kindness, connecting to people in their need - that is where the river of God is running.

I have noticed in the last two years, that every time that we've had a need within the body (or something we've focussed on outside the body), where we've come in love, and started to gather around and help people - whether it's someone else in the church, or whether it's been someone else outside - there's like a river of God's spirit moves on that.

I've become convinced (and we have aligned our lives around that) that we need to redirect our attention, to being kind to the community, kind to people; and start to bring the gospel in a way that's palatable.

The church has to get out of its ‘small world’, meetings that seem so important, but are not important.

Micah 6:8 – “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you - to do justly.”

That word ‘justice’ is: coming to places where people are suffering, and doing what we can to put it right - to love mercy.

That word ‘mercy’, is the word ‘loving kindness’ - to extend loving-kindness to people, and to walk humbly in a place of relationship, intimacy and trust in the Lord.

Jesus spoke to the Pharisees and He said: you've tithed of all these little things, you've tithed of every carrot, and you’ve tithed of this and that. But He said: the things that you are missing are the weightier matters: justice, mercy and faith.

So in God's eyes, the weighty matters are: Justice - treating the cause of the hurting and broken, working to minister to it and help them; Mercy - showing loving kindness to people who are broken and in need; and Faith - believing for the power of God to move, and to work.

Mary and Joseph had been entrusted with the Saviour of the world, to raise Him; but when the season changed for Him, they failed to recognise it.

They got so familiar, and were blessed with what was happening up to that point. They had the perfect child, remember!

Then one day, at the age of 12, He does something that really messes with them. Jesus has a way of doing that.

My recommendation is always: see what Jesus is on, and stay with that.

The church has got a history of: staying with what it likes, what it's used to; rather than: seeing what Jesus is on, and working with that.

I believe that globally now, there is a desperate need for the ministry of Healing, Deliverance; of Kindness, Compassion; of mercies. It needs to flow like a river from the house of God.