Often people are incredibly angry, very bitter, and they need to be lead through prayers of forgiveness. So, the core of the trauma is a picture, feelings that go with the picture, the way the person interprets it, and what they believed, and then their reaction. So the reaction – people repent of that. The lie is replaced by them seeing the truth and hearing the truth; and sometimes they just need to re-live it, and the soul tie broken.
I encourage you to try this sometime. I encourage you, if someone has gone through a painful experience, to ask them to invite Jesus to come into the experience and heal them. You might be surprised how easy it is, and how very quickly people can be set free. I prayed for one woman who was grieving over an abortion; and she saw Jesus standing, holding her baby. Tears began to come down, and Jesus spoke these words to her: “You need to forgive yourself.” He’s already forgiven her, but she wouldn’t forgive herself.
So, these areas you’ll find many people have got all kinds of experiences; and it’s always got a picture, feelings that go with the picture, beliefs that go with the picture, and a reaction. The belief is changed by seeing and hearing the truth; the reaction is changed by repentance; and demons are just cast out.
Let me give you just some situations of trauma, just so you’ve got some ideas what you may be looking for. If I give you a list of some typical trauma experiences that people have, when you are working with people, you’ll know something to look for. So, remember, a trauma is a negative picture that’s imprinted into the person’s memory because of some painful experience. What is a trauma for one person may mean nothing to another.
So, I’ll just give you some of the typical ones, or ones that we have experienced in ministry. Firstly, pre-natal experiences... Prenatal means the child’s in the womb. So a child in the womb that’s rejected can become quite traumatised, and have memories that last all of their life. For the last hundred years or so, people have believed that all of the experience, or memory and identity of the child, is in the brain; so if the brain hasn’t been formed, then they have no awareness. The last 4 or 5 years, experiences or research with ultrasonic scanning of the child realises that’s not true. When a child is in the womb, it is deeply aware of the mother and the environment.
A child unwanted in the womb, experiences deep rejection. A girl in the womb who comes to realise both parents want a boy, experiences deep rejection in the womb, and can be demonised from that point. A child in the womb is deeply aware of the mother’s emotional state, and so it can be traumatised if the mother has deep anxiety or fear, or there are conflicts in the home. So a child in the womb is aware when the mother’s speaking to it; when the mother’s speaking to the husband; when the father’s speaking to it; and when the father’s speaking to the mother. The child is aware of these things.
So, if the pregnancy has complications, for example the mother gets toxaemia, the baby is traumatised by the fear of death. If there’s an attempted abortion, the child is aware of it, and remembers it. If there’s been a previous abortion, the child is aware of it, and is affected even while it’s in the womb. So only the Holy Spirit can reveal if the issues go right to the prenatal experience.
Sometimes birth traumas can leave an imprint on the child. Premature birth, the cord wrapped around the child’s neck, sometimes the force of delivery can be very difficult, and traumatises the child. If there’s no bonding with the mother, the child can be quite traumatised.
People tend to think because the baby can’t speak, it doesn’t know. The reality is, children are very vulnerable, and demonic spirits can enter them, and they can be traumatised. There can be childhood traumas e.g. a child is adopted, or abandoned, or rejected. If there’s turmoil in the family; physical or verbal abuse; frightening experiences. A divorce can traumatise a child. Serious sickness, or long sickness; surgery; accidents. The death of someone in the family or a close friend. School experiences. When we talk with people we find most remember very painful experiences from school. Broken relationships. Accidents. A miscarriage can be a trauma. An abortion is always a trauma.