The Signs of the End Times (2 of 3)

Mike Connell

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He was the crazy man that preached for 120 years about righteousness and getting right with God; and they mocked at him and ridiculed him. In other words, there was no love for truth. There was resistance to the word of God.

His message would have been repentance - if you don't repent, then you can't be saved. Get this. If they had repented, they would have come and joined him, in building the ark. Now no one knew what was coming, until it came; and when it came, what were they doing? It says they were eating, drinking, laughing, working. They were having marriages, giving and receiving in marriage; doing everything normal. Life was just going on, and then suddenly, one day, something came out of the air, that they had never seen before - spots of rain!

It says that the whole of the depths of the earth were opened. Something they'd never seen before, subterranean reservoirs of water, came up out of the earth; and the earth, with the heavy rain, and the subterranean waters, and the gradual, progressive, loss of all of that canopy over the earth… gradually came to a point where the whole earth was flooded, and everything perished - except those who believed God, and prepared the ark. It says: he did it, by faith.

What if we were to tell you there's something coming, you've never seen, that no one has ever seen? It's described in the word of God, in many different places. I've got no time to give it all to you now, but…

“as it was in the days of Noah…” - widespread demonic occult activity, corruption, violence, injustice, slavery, trafficking; resistance to the word of God… That in those days, God had been planning something he would do. He's promised that He will never ever destroy the earth by water, so you don't have to worry about the world being flooded… He's got something different in mind!

Here's the thing... Many Christians, their biggest thing is, we want to judge all the sinners, and we're going to be right. You really want to get out of that mindset! It's not the heart of God that any man perishes, but that all will be saved.

So, one of the signs of the End Times, will be that the gospel, the preaching of the kingdom of God, in power, will spread through the whole earth. God so desires that people not perish. He's longsuffering, waiting, wanting no one to perish. God is not willing any perish, but all be saved; so before the very End Time, when judgements start to come on the earth, there will be the preaching of the gospel throughout the whole earth. The gospel of the kingdom, in the power of God, bringing healing, deliverance, and supernatural transformation.

For that to happen, God must raise up the church, with a passion to spread the gospel, in the power of God. That's going to happen! Why? A lot of people think it's just going to get worse, and worse, and worse, and they will all get what they deserve. No, that's not the heart of God! God paid a huge price for everyone to be saved, but not everyone's saved, if they don't hear the message; and not everyone's saved, because when they hear it, they don't respond.

God wants to raise up a company of people, throughout the earth, like Noah, that believed: yes, something is coming on the earth! Yes, I see the sign of it! Yes, I will give my life to build the kingdom of God! I will lay my life down, because God has given me a vision for what I must do with my life! I have a vision to build!

It could be in teaching, education, finance, somewhere in the community; or could just be your family. What God calls you to build is not so important. It's that you do get into it, and build - build your life, your marriage, your finances, the local church. Build a place where God's presence is. Come, prepare to worship! Come with a heart that desires God! Come with a heart that knows things are uncertain in the earth, but God is our answer! God gives us the breakthrough! Come with a spirit of faith, saying: God, I can't settle for what I have. I want more of You!