Spirit of lawlessness - are you getting the idea what lawlessness is? Where does it come from? Lawlessness originated in Lucifer. That's why he got kicked out of heaven! If he got kicked out of heaven for lawlessness, then what's going to happen to your expectation of a great thing ahead of you, if you embrace lawlessness? We can't embrace lawlessness!
Ezekiel 28:15 - why he fell from heaven: iniquity was found in him. Whenever you allow lawlessness to come around you, you become rebellious, and independent. You either actively rebel against authority; or quietly resist it. You say yes, but actually its no! You smile, and say ‘yes; but inside, you’re saying ‘no way’, and what outworks is a passive resistance - their will against someone else's will.
I mean, you've all seen that as a parent, with a child. You tell them to do something, and it's just a fight all the way, because there's no willingness to do it, and it's a passive resisting. Here's the thing… When you don't understand this principle, around the kingdom of God being a kingdom with order, and authority, then you embrace lawlessness - independence, doing my own thing.
Guess what kingdom you become influenced by? The demonic realm of lawlessness starts to come around your life! You can be in church, but under another spirit in all your life, and how you run it; and so, what you're seeing in America now, is a spirit of lawlessness that has come on people, and the end is always the same. It's destructive!
Matthew 7:23 – “In the last days, many (many, many, many) will say to Me ‘Lord, Lord’ (He's talking about Christians) we did miracles in Your name, we cast out demons, we prophesied in Your name. And I will say to them, I didn't know you…”
There's no deep intimacy, and surrender to be transformed, and your work is of iniquity. You did your own thing. You used My name, My gifts, everything I had, in order to advance yourself. The core of iniquity is an independence - I'll do what I want to do. That's why Jesus died for our iniquity.
Isaiah 53:6 – “We all like sheep have gone astray, everyone to his own way, and He laid on Him the iniquity of us all”
Iniquity - going my way. The only way to be free of iniquity, is through repentance, and understanding the principles of the kingdom - of surrender from my way; and we have His way.
Here's a sixth sign… He says: “As it was in the days of Noah”. The sixth sign is seeing in the earth things that were in existence in the days of Noah.
The seventh sign is… seeing things in the earth, that were in existence, in the days of Lot.
Luke 17:26-27 – “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.”
Look in Genesis 6:1-11, to find out what was happening, in the days of Noah. The first thing was, there was a population explosion…
Genesis 6:1 – “It came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth”.
Firstly, people started to multiply, and fill the earth - there was a population explosion. Secondly, there was widespread engagement with the occult.
Genesis 6:4 – “There were giants in the earth, in those days and afterwards, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men, and bore children to them, these were the mighty men of old, men of renown”.
There were some angels, called ‘watchers’, who were given an assignment by God, to watch over men and to progressively instruct them, so that there be revelation of technology, and various other things, so that man would gradually grow in their capacity to fill and take dominion over the earth.
However, the watcher angels saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and it says then they left their position and rank, and they were involved forcibly in having sexual relationships with women, and the offspring of those are what's called Nephilim. The Nephilim were giants. When you read in mythology, of the great giants that they talk about, these are the Nephilim.