Power of Words (1 of 12)

Mike Connell

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You fasted to break the power of something in your life, and the moment you started fasting, it just suddenly got very, very bad, it got worse, aye? It's because now you've made a decision to war with it, it rises up to see how determined you are. See, sin has a life of it's own - so the Bible tells us then, not to grieve the Holy Ghost, not to cause Him to withdraw, not to cause Him to shut down. I want to talk with you a little bit about the power that is in your words. I want to make a statement that I felt the Holy Ghost put in my heart today. I'll read it so I get it right. The words we agree with, and the words we speak, create our future. That's powerful isn't it? I'm still thinking about that one. The words we agree with, and the words we speak, create our future. What words are you agreeing with? What words has your heart come in agreement and embraced and said, I believe that? Very soon you will be speaking those words, and the words that you have agreed in your heart and spoken with your mouth then begin to shape your future and your destiny.

Man, if you just got that bit you'd be doing well wouldn't you? I'm still thinking about that. The words we agree with, and the words we speak, shape our future - so our words have got tremendous power. Your words reveal who you are. You see you can put on act, you can do all kinds of things, but after a little while of listening, your words will show who you are, what kind of person you are. See, if we could just following you around, hear everything you were saying, you know what? We'd know exactly what kind of person you are, because your words come out of your heart. So the Bible tells us the words are the overflow of our heart. In Matthew, Chapter 12, Verse 34, it tells us, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks - so whatever's in your heart, whatever is you, see? Whatever's in your heart will overflow and come out your mouth, and so all you've got to do is catch yourself, what am I saying? Then you'll find out exactly what really is in your heart. So I know we come to church, we sing happy songs, and we love Jesus, and it's a wonderful feeling and all that kind of stuff, and it's beautiful. We feel the presence of God, but we've got often in that kind of situation unaware what is really in our heart. But if we listen to our words, after a while we'll begin to see what is in our heart. You've just got to listen and out of the heart, the mouth will speak.

Listen to the words. Now when you're listening to words, it's not just what they say, it's the impact, or the feel they create with the words. You see, Jesus said the words: I speak, they are spirit, and they are life. So when Jesus speaks words, they impart something of a spirit nature. That's why the first words that's recorded, God spoke, created something, so words can create something, so whatever's in your heart is creating something. So for example, if you're constantly critical of your husband, or constantly critical of your wife, constantly speaking and giving voice to negative things, you are creating a very sad marriage. You're actually creating the future, you then have to live with. Think about that.

Your words are creating an atmosphere, an environment, which will either sustain your life and nourish you, or will cause you to wither like a plant without water. Words. People want words. We need words. Even Jesus said, Matthew 4:4, man shall not live by bread alone. In other words, food is not enough to sustain us. Our soul needs words, words that love, words that encourage, words that build, prophetic words that speak destiny. There's a generation dying because there are no fathers to speak words of encouragement, love and faith and destiny. Without those words, people get lost. They don't know where to go. They're looking for something, so they look in the bottle, they look in drugs, they look in the cell, they look on the internet, look with games, look with high speed cars. They're looking for something, but what is needed are creative words to shape destiny.