Power of Words (1 of 12)

Mike Connell

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I've got to give Him something to work with. I've got to give Him something from my heart; gratitude, praise, confession. I've got to begin to declare things. You notice some of the songs, and the songs that help us come into the presence of God, they are declaring things. See, you listen to that song, Lord, You're My Healer. You're My Healer. You know, that man positioned himself to get the healing, because it was in His heart that God's a healer and he spoke it out of his mouth. He said, I'm going to write a song about it. Even if I die, long after I've died, they'll still be singing the song, Lord, You're My Healer. You're my portion.

I just have thought about that for a week or so, what it's like to sit in a chair, your body slowly losing energy, breaking down, you can't even stand without breaking limbs. No strength, everything's brittle, but in the heart there's no negativity, there's just Lord, You're My Healer. I believe you're my portion. What a great thing - but he positioned himself you see, because Jesus, the high priest of that confession - now this is what I like about that song. This one man didn't just make a confession of faith, and agree with what God said, and position himself for the healing. He wrote a song that could touch and bring others into it, so the very thing that the devil sent to destroy him, becomes not just the stepping stone of his own faith, but actually makes a provision and a blessing for other people to experience God.

People are waiting for you to break through. All around you, there's someone waiting for you to break through from negativity. Maybe there's some relationships you need to cut off. Listen, not all friendships and relationships help us achieve what God wants. The devil is well able to send people into your life, full of negativity, who just eat out what God is trying to do, and you don't even know it. You've got some sense of false loyalty, you're holding onto those people, thinking that this is going to change them. Well, if they haven't changed in three years, what makes you think they're going to change? But what's been happening to you, while that negativity's been getting into your ears? Think about it - fast off negativity.

To fast off negativity means, I need to recognise Lord, I need you to show me in my heart, where I have embraced negative thoughts, doubts, despair, unbelief, self-pity, reasonings, where I've listened to gossip, listened to rumours, focussed on negative things. I want you to show me where the things are. Every time you show me something, I'm repenting, I'm disagreeing with it. I'm breaking my agreement with that thing, and I'm going to begin to declare the things that You say to me.

Start off - give up the news for a while. Give up your papers. Give up the television. Give up the stuff that's filling you full of despair and hopelessness. Fast off it. Some people can't even begin a day without having to look at the news, see what's happening. I'll tell you what's happening - it's all bad. Well, that's the bit they're reporting on, but actually there's heaps of good stuff, but you didn't hear about that. See, you didn't hear about that, unless you looked at Shine TV or something like that. You didn't hear about it on most of the main channels. The main channels are concerned with the negativity. It sells. People are absorbed with it. There's something in us - we want to see someone else fail and fall so we'll feel better. How perverse.

Hey, God wants us to change on the inside. Come on, let's make a decision in our heart. Listen, the Bible says if you believe with your heart and confess with your mouth, Christ is Lord, salvation comes to you. If that's how our faith starts, that's how it continues. I believe that God provides for me. I believe that God comes through for me. I let my heart dwell and meditate on His word, until it truly is rooted in my heart.