Power of Words (1 of 12)

Mike Connell

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You and I have got a unique ability to be able to create with our mouth, not only in our own life, but in the lives of others. Whoa! See, so whatever words you agree with, whatever you're speaking is creating a world around you. So what kind of atmosphere are you creating? You know you go into some people's places and they make you welcome and you feel quite, you know - but you go in, you feel man, what's in this place? Feel the atmosphere, and that atmosphere is actually spiritual atmosphere created by the words you speak, so either you've invited the Holy Spirit and the angels of God into your house, and the words you speak are cultivating that atmosphere, or you've invited demons into the house so now they're causing all kinds of other things.

Now I was just thinking about words, and sometimes you know, we kind of meekly agree with this, but I started to look in the Bible for some word pictures of what words are like, and I got some beauties. I started to look and search through the Bible and find out some pictures. Now sometimes when you hear words spoken, the impact, you don't fully appreciate it, but when you get a picture - I only wish I'd had the time to get some pictures of this, because if I got the pictures up, you'd be stunned enough to actually really have impact. I'll try and describe it to you, and I'll give you some scripture references, but I don't want us to spend a lot of time just looking up the verses. I'll give you the reference and what it says, but what I want you to do is get the picture it creates see, so that you begin to start to be aware my words are the overflow of my heart, and they are creating something.

How do I get into a relationship with God? Words. How did you get married? Words. It's true. Words establish the covenant. When those words were witnessed, and it was written down, the words you spoke - that's it. It's a binding covenant. See words on earth are listened to in the heavens. You speak cursing words, demons are just waiting, and they become empowered to begin to operate, so you can speak words into your own life. You can agree with words about your own life, and that way as you begin to give voice to them, that will cause demons to operate against you. You can agree with the words other people speak, and then when you agree with them and begin to repeat them, what happens then our demons are unleashed. See, agreement on the earth, and then giving voice to what we've agreed with, activates things in the supernatural realm. We have to understand the importance of that.

Of course, as you begin to realise this and start to fast, to break negative words and to tame the tongue - Bible says no man can tame it, only the Holy Ghost can tame your tongue. The first part of taming your tongue is to realise what it's saying, so I want to give you some pictures, some word pictures of what the tongue is likened to, or what our words are likened to. I'm going to give you about six different word pictures. I'll show you where they're found in the Bible, but I want you to get the picture of it, because as you get the picture of it, you begin to think my God, are my words like that! This sweet person sitting there and you look so nice and we all look lovely, got our hands raised to Jesus today and then tomorrow something else is coming out of our tongue, see?

The Bible says it shouldn't be like that. You know today you're blessing God, and tomorrow you're cursing someone near to you, that you're supposed to be loving. Come on now. I want to give you some word pictures. These are good ones I found in the - these are really [laughs] man, I was shocked. In 2 Timothy 2, Verse 17, it says in talking about certain kinds of people, it says their word eats like cancer - or if you look up the original it means like Gangrene. I don't know if you've ever seen Gangrene. Gangrene is where the flesh has actually died, and not only has it died, it's started to turn green and give a horrible smell off, and it not only does that, it begins to poison the body. So if a person gets Gangrene in them, if they get Gangrene in them, then what happens is you've got to amputate that limb. There isn't any remedy. The flesh is actually dying, and it's starting to turn septic, and if you don't deal with it, it begins to poison the whole body. When a person's got Gangrene, death is imminent. When there's Gangrene, death is imminent. In the medical field - and I don't know a lot about it - but if they see Gangrene all the emergency bells go off. You're into that operating theatre right quick, because it will poison the whole system. You can't have Gangrene in one bit. It gets in and affects the whole lot, so it says there, words, it's talking about certain words eating your whole life away, like a gangrene would eat a limb away, and poison the whole body.