Sons are Led by The Spirit (4 of 4)

Mike Connell

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A lot of the things in getting guidance, is to come to the place where you just submitted, that I'm happy with whatever pleases you father. He might say: what's the desire you've got in your heart? You'll find more and more, once you've learned to surrender to the Holy Spirit, He will expect you to come up with what you desire, and what you're dreaming about in your heart. The guidance of God is connected to the Holy Spirit, and also the desires of your heart; because you're not wanting dumb stuff, you're actually wanting things that are about destiny and future and blessing and so on.

Now, what if you don't hear God? There's some reasons why, and praying with an idol in your heart is one reason. Offenses will stop you hearing God, and being guided by the Holy Ghost. Having offenses in your heart will always block the leading of the Holy Spirit. The only thing you'll hear is: forgive him. I don't want to hear that! I want to hear something else! Too bad, until we got that sorted out, there won't be any flow. It's like an obstacle in the river, damming your life up.

It's not complex, its actually being led, and taking full ownership of your decisions; that you made the decision, and if it wasn't so good, maybe you missed it on the way. It's ok to miss it on the way. Where did I miss it? How did I miss it? What can I learn? Move on! Never get condemned by the fact that sometimes I didn't get it right. Sometimes when we get it wrong, we need to repent, because we realize actually I was quite willful. There was pride, I was resistant to counsel; so I need to actually repent, and then come back into being able to hear clearly again.

We need this guidance all the time. If you've got kids, you need guidance over your kids. God can show you things about what's going on in their lives, and then they wonder how you know. God told me! You get things come in your marriage, you need help in your marriage. I tell couples: first turn to the Lord, individually; then when you come to talk together, you'll have a better attitude, and be able to resolve problems. Otherwise you come, and you both want to make the other one agree with you - that will never work. You need guidance in relationships.

Get some advice from around you, and look and see if there's fruit of God being in the relationship. God's got certain ways He guides us. He guides us by his spirit, and He guides us in agreement with His word. He will never guide you by his spirit to violate His word. He will guide you by the inner witness of the spirit, and may confirm that through people around you. That's why we belong to a body, and we have people that we can share our lives with, who are wise, and they can give us wisdom.

If you're going to share, and ask people what they think of your advice, then do go to someone who's successful in that area. Don't ask someone who's a total financial failure, whether you should make this decision with your finances. That is just being just absolutely silly, and foolish. Make a decision: God, you dwell within me, you're leading me, you're leading me into my identity; you're leading me to become Christ-like; you're leading me to fulfill your course in my life. I thank you Lord that today, I'm led by the spirit, and you build it around your prayers. You pray on the spirit, you surrender your heart, surrender your inner man, surrender your ears.

Closing Prayer

Thank you Lord today, I hear your voice clearly, and I instantly obey. Thank you, holy ghost. You're speaking to me. I yield my ears, the ears of my inner man, and my outer man, to hear your voice clearly. Thank you that you're leading me, and guiding me. I desire to do the things that please you. You flow and pray like that. How many of you could do that? Every one of you can be led by the holy ghost. Every one of us can be led by the spirit. That's the greatest thing that's happened to us. We got the holy ghost. Let's just reach out now for the holy ghost to come. Let's receive what he Has. I want you to pray in tongues, pray in the spirit now, until you start to feel your spirit flowing.