Sons Are Builders (3 of 4)

Mike Connell

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What am I meant to build? The first thing to build is: build yourself, build your own life. Don't go running around doing everything for everyone. Start with yourself. You can only give to others what you've got. Build your personal life. What are you responsible for?

Keep your body healthy, keep it strong. Build your physical man.

Build your spirit man. "He that prays an unknown tongue, builds up his spirit man". Build up your spirit man.

What about your heart? Does your heart need healing? Does your heart need renovation? Whatever your heart needs, get the help you need for healing. Engage with your heart, and build into your heart, the character qualities of Christ. No one else going to do it for you.

What about your thought life? The only person that's going to build your thought life is you. Stop feeding on the negative. Take the word of God, and start to retrain your mind, to think better, to think prosperity, to think largeness, to think generosity, to think blessing.

What about your faith? Your faith is built by time in the word of God. You're responsible to build your life.

What about your gifts? Developing your gift? You need to develop the giftings you've got. If God's given you music, develop it, invest in it. If He's given you creative gifts, invest in it. Develop them, they're your gifts. They're not just your gifts for now; they're your gifts forever, so invest in them, develop them. If you're good at something, develop it, train others, and multiply what you can do. It doesn't really matter what God has gifted you with, just develop it, and then invest it into others.

Can you see how accessible this is, for every person to be a builder. If there's damage, we'll fix the damage up. It's your job to repair the damage. If your fence breaks down, don't just complain; go fix the fence. If your house has paint falling off - don't stand around there bemoaning the weather; go buy the paint, and do the hard work to paint it. It's your house, make it look good.

The first place you start is your personal life, and then you work on the other areas as well. What about your marriage? What about building your marriage. If you're husband, God gives you the mandate to take the initiative. Take the lead.

You may have a better pattern, a better plan, and that's fine, good luck to you. It won't work out very good though. God won't fill it, and bless it. He doesn't bless what he hasn't ordered, otherwise he'd be blessing rebellion.

What about your family? Today we've got all this stuff going on. Education used to build children; now it tends to undermine family, so you need to build strong family. How do you do it? Why don't you search the word of God, and find out some of the patterns, and then talk to people who've done that, and then start to be a builder of family. What about finances? Are you just living week to week, or are you learning how to develop your finances and grow wealth; so you can become a giver; so you can leave something to the next generation. Even if you've got little, doesn't mean you can't do anything, just do something.

If you're going to go to missions, don't say: one day I'm going to go to missions. Start building your life with God, and open an account to put some money in, and then when the missions opportunity comes up, you're ready, you've been building. In the local church? God wants us to build in a church.

There was a point in Jesus life where he went up on the mountain, and he was filled with the glory of God, and he showed off what it would be like when he returned. The Bible makes it clear in the book of Romans, that Christ in us is the hope of a glory to be revealed in the future.

1 John 3:2 - "When he appears, we shall be like him, for who we shall see him as he is".

Everyone that has that hope of sonship are being filled with the resurrection glory of God, frees himself from defilement, and does all they can to be a child of God.

Closing Prayer