When Kings Pray (1 of 2)

Mike Connell

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Identify it, and then what do you need to do, for that to grow this year? What will you need to do, because you've got to boil it down to something you're going to do. If it doesn't come down to something you're going to do, you walk out the door, feel good, you'll be no different. Feeling good doesn't mean I've changed. Doing something different means I'm on the path to change, and we need to be careful we don't just enjoy messages, but just don't let it get into the heart, to change what we say and what we do. So make it specific, think what you need to do, set some new priorities. Now for example, you may find you're just spending hours and hours and hours on the television, or hours and hours on the internet, whatever. Well change the priority. Just cut it out, and do something different; invest in learning a new skill, invest in learning some new things that you've never learnt before, invest in yourself. Then you'll have more value to give, and your influence and territory will grow.

Finally, face your giants. All of us have got giants to face. Here's what I love. I just love - it's funny how people respond - I love this one, where Caleb says: the giants are bred for us! Isn't that good? I spoke that to someone a couple of weeks ago, and they said: bred as a giant for me? Really? Can I go on a fast? [Laughter] No, you've just got to deal with the internal things, so every one of us has got a giant. I wonder what has intimidated you, and kept you contained. If you were to just put a name on it, and begin to ponder and ask the Holy Spirit to show you how long that giant has been in that territory in your life, how long has it been ruling there? How long has it been walking up and down, defying you year after year after year, keeping you contained? And God is saying: take that giant, it's bred for you. Why don't you name that giant, and begin to think through the strategy to deal with it. Maybe you need prayer, maybe you need some counsel, maybe you need some help, maybe you need to fast, maybe you need to just shift the way you think. Maybe there's an issue to resolve, but face the giant, they're bred to enlarge you, to go somewhere else, and become increased in your influence.

I love the challenge that Caleb had right at the very end, when he got to 85, and you think flip, he's ready to lie down and retire, or go to a home and just watch movies and go on outings. This is what he said: You know the word I had in my heart 40 years ago when I went into the land, and you know the word I brought back. And you know the promise of God, and I've held that promise for 40 years, been a long 40 years, watching people die all around me in unbelief. He said: I got that promise in my heart, he said: now give me the mountain that has got the giants in it, that everyone else said 'you can't do it'. Give me that mountain - and God gave him what he requested. God gave Jabez what he requested, so what Jabez requested, obviously was in the heart of God, and that same thing is in the heart of God for you, and for me. I don't care what sorrows you've been through, what difficulties or tragedies you've had, and you may have a life that's marked by sorrow, and you may be a pain in the butt to lots of people, but it doesn't end there.

You can make a decision, God, bless me abundantly and enlarge my territory. My life's changing. My life is going to get better. My life is on the increase and improved. My influence is going to increase this year. Can you say that? Can you say that today? Come on, let's give the Lord a clap and thank Him today. [Applause] Father, we just thank You for all the challenges we've had last year, but they were all working a better way to glory for our lives, and in this year Lord, this is our prayer. My God, pour out blessing and abundance; my God, pour out grace and abundance; my God, enlarge our territory, enlarge our influence. Oh God, keep us from the evil one, keep us from the destructive strategies of the devil, surround us with Your angels, and my God, that You would keep us from all harm. In this coming year, enlarge our territory, enlarge our territory, enlarge our territory. This is The Prayer of Kings oh God, enlarge our territory, our influence, our capacity this year. Lord, we give You all the honour.