Unmasking Shame (2 of 6)

Mike Connell

Page 7 of 10
Then we're going to do some things to try and deal with it, and it's the things you do to deal with it which are the fruit, so if I look and see the fruit in your life, I absolutely know that shame is there. I'm NOT ashamed! Now listen, come on, if the fruit's there - if it's orange there it's an orange tree, is that right? Okay, here's some of the fruit of it. Okay, let's go for a few things, alright then. I've got a heap of them so I'll just throw them out, and just every time these things come up, I look and think oh my goodness, there it is, there it is again. Okay, shame - anger, especially when there's injustice. Now if you've ever experienced injustice in your life, you will have felt ashamed. You'll feel shame, you were badly treated, and sometimes the shame is shame at being powerless: I couldn't do anything about it. You know what will happen the next time you see someone treated unjustly? There'll be an anger rise up in you that's beyond anything that's relevant to the situation. It's an anger that's coming up out of the fact that you were shamed and treated wrongly, and so anger is a fruit.

Performance is a fruit. Now God wants us all to be motivated, wants us all to work hard, and I'm not talking about working hard or being diligent which biblical. We're talking about being driven, so your life can't even be balanced anymore, you're like a workaholic. Workaholics have shame operating on the inside of them. They don't like who they are. Someone shamed them - maybe they just told them: you'll never amount to anything. I'll prove it! And so the shame of that condition that they have, they rise up, and then they're driven by the shame, and when a person's driven to perform by shame, they actually lose all perspective and balance in their life. They get out of balance everywhere, and it's basically because inside they don't like who they are. They need to actually get shifted in a different way.

Another thing that comes as a result of shame is control. Now by control I'm talking about ungodly control. See when a person's got shame they're afraid, so what they try and do then is they try and control all the relationships around them, so you can't possibly hurt me or shame me or show me up. And so a person who's got deep shame in their life, will then begin to try and control everyone around, so you can't make me look bad, okay? And so parents who have shame in their life will try and control their children, so their children don't make them look bad. Now you've got to understand this about human design: God made us to be unashamed and free, and here's the thing. When someone tries to control another person, that person may apparently submit, but they become incredibly devious and creative in finding ways to rebel and find their way. There's no way you're going to tell me what to do. Even if you try to, and even if it looks like I'm doing it, I might be sitting down on the outside, but inside I'm standing up!

It's extraordinary when control comes, how people can find a way around it in various ways - so control, lost identity and living identity through others, some women who are ashamed, live their identity out through their children. Some can live it out through being in a position - I remember we used to catch a bus from Napier to Hastings. There was a guy there, insignificant man really in many ways but he had a uniform on. Well you can't believe what that uniform did. He became a Nazi - immediately a little bit of power! The uniform has changed him, and now he's got a world of young people to control on the bus! No way is it going to work of course, however it was an attitude he had, a little bit of power, you know? So some people with no identity, or shame, will struggle in that kind of area. Shame will also cause people to put down others, and I recognise in my own life a couple of aspects of shame; one was being very negative. You know, you'd see eight positives and two negatives - man, I'd get obsessed with the negative, couldn't get over the negative.