Sources of Shame (3 of 6)

Mike Connell

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Then the third thing I need to do, is begin to change the way I think. That's the bit that takes the effort and the time. I need to change by inner beliefs, how I see God, and how I see myself. If you don't shift how you believe, the Bible says: as a man believes, that's how he lives his life - so if you don't shift what you believe about yourself, you will live out of the old shame-based belief system. So it's not a matter of just getting delivered. It's not a matter of just becoming a Christian. I need to shift totally the way I see myself, to agree with how God sees me now, and that's where many of us have not shifted. We still think of ourselves as we were before we came to Christ, and you can tell because of the shame that still lingers.

Finally, the last thing I've got to do, is I have to learn or change, I have to change the way I relate to people, have to change the way I relate to people. Number one, come to Christ, the one who took our shame; number two, break my attachments to shame; number three, shift how I see myself and how I see God, and four, change the way I relate. In other words, I need to learn how to refuse being shamed by people. I've got to learn how to do that, and we'll share some things, show you how to do it. I've got to stop shaming other people. I've got to stop shaming them. I've got to change totally how I am on the inside, and I've got to stop comparing myself with anyone else, start to celebrate who I am. So comparing with others leads to shame, because always, you'll compare the best in another man, with the worst in yourself.

So we've got to stop that kind of behaviour. I've got to change how I connect with people, so if they shame me, I've got to learn how to confront it, push it away and separate from that kind of people. If I've been one who's shamed other people, I've got to stop shaming people, otherwise it'll just come back, I'll reap what I've sown. So you getting the idea now? So to shift out of this thing of shame, the first place is to become attached to Jesus Christ, the one who carried our shame. I'll develop these things over the next couple of weeks.