Shane Willard 2010 (3 of 4)

Shane Willard

Page 11 of 11
Oh, also if you look at the letters, remember every letter's a picture so every word's a comic strip, the picture of Yud is an open hand. The picture of He is an open window. It means to reveal something or it also means grace. The number is five - remember we talked about that earlier? The Vav is a nail or a hook, it depends on how you wrote it, and the other He would be an open window again which means to reveal grace. So the name of God is this: an open hand of grace is nailed to reveal grace. An open hand of grace is nailed to reveal grace, so over His cross Pilate says here is the open hand of grace that is nailed to reveal grace. Here is Yahweh. Now here's my question. What sign do you have over Jesus? Is He the guy that you have your quiet time with every day? Is He the guy that you spend your 30 minutes of quiet prayer with? Is He the guy you go to when you need an answer? Is He the guy that you ask to take of all these things in your life?

Are any of those things necessarily bad? No, but if all of that isn't under something that says wait a minute, at the end of the day this is my Lord. I will not trade His life and make Him a slave. I want to be a kingdom person - listen, Jesus is not there to serve you. You are there to be His hands and His feet to the whole world. You are there to be His hands and His feet. May we be people who die to our judgemental and critical attitudes in order to be kingdom people by remembering what God has done for us.

Let's take a 15 minute break. We'll come back and continue this thought.

[File ends 00.54.23]