Democracy or Kingdom (2 of 4)

Mike Connell

See, so what happens is of course church gets full of opinion and so what happens is well I don't agree, I don't agree! So then [unclear 00.38.45] and then what happens is we bring that, the democratic mindset into what an operation of the church or operation of the kingdom of God. There's room for discussion. I believe we should have unity and I believe there should be teamwork, but you've got to understand the prevailing thing is at some time someone just says this is how it will be. That's how it is with Jesus. [Now that 00.39.04] I've found that I don't have opinions about a lot of things, just ask Him what He says and He gives direction, you know? You know if you ask God for guidance He doesn't sort of come back and say what's your opinion? [Laughter] Did you get on the phone and check out half the church; what do they think? Well they think its okay. Well it must be okay then. [Laughter]

See, He doesn't think that way at all. He says this is what I'm telling you to do. But, but, but, but, but! Do I hear that democracy coming up again? This is not a democracy, didn't I tell you? You know? See, understand with God He gives direction, gives decree, said that's how it's going to be. That's how it is - so when for example - of course if He's got ownership then of course you don't have to worry about it. You don't have to make lots of decisions because many of them He's actually able to direct you in. He's responsible to direct you in. When it comes to direction - see I didn't want to leave teaching and go out and run a Christian school. Lord said I want you to do this, so when it all boils down is it my opinion or His? Well I just say Lord, [what you want? 00.40.03] That's why Jesus said Your will be done. Of course we can have opinions about all kinds of things, but I encourage you to not be so opinionated. Be sure you've got Gods mind on things.

Okay then, and of course when there's the issue of government that way of course what happens is the majority opinion rules and of course the majority can be influenced by minority, so the minority groups with self-interest, so what you find in a democracy is self-interest becomes prevalent. Gradually over a course of a period of time self-interest for small groups starts to have a vocal and a vocal and a vocal and a vocal. Then before you know it the majority are forced to come under what has been decided by the consensus, and so it breeds self-interest; whereas the kingdom, it's all about the king is a benevolent king who has a heart for His people and their welfare. Interestingly enough there are a lot of people have criticism about Singapore and its government. I suppose there is plenty of reason, but I notice that their mindset is not fully democratic like ours is. Their mindset is we're the trustees of the nation, so your rights actually have to come into alignment with what will be best for the nation.

It's interesting. People who are full of democracy always object to that. They say oh, you take away my rights. No, no, no, we're just making you more responsible. Okay, so here's another thing then is the issue of - oh, that brings us to the next one - personal rights. Personal rights, and of course in democracy the rights of the individual are important. And in the west the rights of the individual become so important it's been at the expense of the community. In the kingdom of God the rights of the king and His family are important, so it's all about the king and what he wants. So self-interest prevails in our situation of course, where we just have personal rights whereas in the kingdom of God there's a king who cares about His family. See, God cares about people. [He 00.41.54] says in the kingdom of heaven it's not about selfishness; it's about serving, so Matthew 20:25-28 Jesus said in the world they all just lord it over one another and its one-upmanship. He said in the kingdom of heaven it's not like that. In the kingdom of heaven it's about serving. Jesus in John 13 said look, you call Me Lord. Notice what I did, I served you. You do the same.